And he did it brilliantly!

  • Fuck YankiesEnglish
    1 year ago

    ngl, the show picks up. At first you get those MURRICA vibes and recoil like “plz not in star trek”. But then it gets so much better.

    In fact, gonna piss off a few of you with this one, but Enterprise is much better than Discovery or even Picard once it picks up.

    I find Discovery and Picard to be a departure from the daring production, direction and storytelling that made Star Trek well, Star Trek. Some might say “that was the point”, but was the point also to do the paint-by-numbers Hollywood remake bullshit that’s been blasting out of cinemas the passed, oh I don’t know DECADE?!?

    Anyways, slow start, but it picks up and adds valiantly to the Star Trek canon

    Also, y dey cancel Prodigy? :( Sadness.