• _sideffect
    855 months ago

    I remember reading an “article” stating that:

    “People are buying groceries despite their high costs”

    Really? No fucking kidding, us poor folks have to eat to survive, just like the rich pricks!

    And even worse is when it said: “Grocery chains have reached record profits”

    Fuck them all

    • BytemeisterΕλληνικά
      245 months ago

      In my state, they are charging record prices for chicken, at the same time, multiple of the largest suppliers in my state are under investigation for hiring children as young as 11, in dangerous meat processing jobs, and paying them less than minimum wage.

      These fucks are actively trying to take wages and workers right back to the early days of the industrial revolution.

    • EatATacoEnglish
      -105 months ago

      This post perfectly embodies my complaint about Lemmy.

      Multiple unsubstantiated claims that are fully outrageous, and of course the post is filled with outrage against rich people.

      But not a single challenge to the claim, and it’s universally upvoted.

      This place is fully entrenched in outrage culture.

      • _sideffect
        105 months ago

        What’s outrageous about what I said that I read in an article?

        Are you part of the 1%?

        If not, stop defending them. They don’t give two fucks about you

        • SciaphobiaEnglish
          45 months ago

          What’s outrageous about what I said that I read in an article?

          Fairly confident he’s calling you a liar and suggesting the things you claim to have seen in an article you never really saw, and are instead offering a claim of your own under the guise of it having been in an article.

          Pretty cool way to interact with another human being, if you think about it.

          • _sideffect
            35 months ago

            You mean gaslighting. No it’s not a cool way to interact with anyone

            • SciaphobiaEnglish
              35 months ago
              5 months ago

              Well, gaslighting would be trying to get you to question reality in some way. I don’t think that fits here. I was more implying he was being a dickhead. Because he was.

                • SciaphobiaEnglish
                  25 months ago

                  Nah, it wasn’t very clear in retrospect. That kind of snide comment doesn’t really translate to text very well. My bad!