• kernelleEnglish
    22 months ago

    Read your own words, you’d rather give your child a phone than deal with your child wanting yours. That is exactly what you said, no assumptions needed.

    • stonerbonerEnglish
      12 months ago

      Yes, I’d rather teach them to responsibly use their own tool instead of them wanting mine, in a supervised way. So crazy, right?

      • kernelleEnglish
        12 months ago

        Next time start with that instead of giving them a phone because that’s easier than dealing with the child, people might not get their knickers in a twist.

        • stonerbonerEnglish
          12 months ago

          Any twisting ya’ll are doing is all by yourself. What I said is true, and if ya’ll need to fill in the blanks to fit your judgmental narratives, that’s not my problem.

          Maybe just stop being needlessly obfuscative or dogmatic and we could have avoided all of this 🤷‍♂️

          • kernelleEnglish
            12 months ago

            You are fully aware ipad babies are a widespread phenomenon? Those people use that exact wording to justify doing so, you can blame people for throwing you under the bus alongside those people, but you also could’ve just worded that more carefully.

            • stonerbonerEnglish
              02 months ago

              I clearly stated it was a supervised seven year old pretty early on, yet you just kept on about it as if I was some negligent parent lol. Not sure if it was you or the one of the other you’s in the thread who called me “dystopian” lmao.

              Ya’ll could also reply with civility either way. I know it’s a lot to expect of people on the internet, but jeeze man. There are much better hills to die on

              • kernelleEnglish
                12 months ago

                I’m just telling you why people are taking your comment the wrong way. I’ve been nothing but respectful but man take it easy lmao