Things just took an interesting turn. These youngsters seem to not understand the power of the government.

  • dhorkEnglish
    202 months ago

    There has been a history of some states calling out the National Guard to put an end to campus protests in the past, the most notorious being Kent State in 1970.

    Whether the school is public or private has nothing to do with it. However, despite it’s name, the National Guard is controlled by its State Governor unless explicitly federalized by the President. I don’t think the NY Governor is eager to step into that.

    • Flying Squid
      252 months ago

      I was referring to OP saying, “these youngsters seem to not understand the power of the government” when it’s not the government going after them. Not right now anyway.

    • Fire Witch
      72 months ago
      2 months ago

      Kathy Hochul? She’s a shitty politician, I wouldn’t be surprised if she did call them in. I can only imagine Eric Adams is salivating at the idea of it too, he’s basically a moderate Republican in disguise. No one likes either of them.

      • dhorkEnglish
        22 months ago

        Today’s news prompted me to come back to this comment. Clearly Adams didn’t feel the need to wait for Hochul before sending his guys to clean it up

        • Fire Witch
          32 months ago
          2 months ago

          Adams is a landlord and a former cop who lives in New Jersey. He’s an absolutely garbage mayor and only serves the interests of the elite. He could not give one shit about NYers