Watch Democrats Abdullah Hammoud and Keith Ellison in a unique 2024 Zeteo debate.

  • Chozo
    02 months ago

    If neither candidate will stop the genocide, it’s our responsibility to refuse both candidates.

    Okay, well reality doesn’t really afford us this option, as much as we’d like it. We can piss and moan all day about what we should do, but that’s a separate discussion from what we can do. And what we can do is make our votes be as impactful as possible with the options we have available.

    • AdlachEnglish
      02 months ago
      2 months ago

      You can do much more than vote. There’s people getting beat to shit by cops all over the country proving it.

      This whole ‘you have a moral obligation to vote for 99% Hitler’ thing is pretty tired, as the logical conclusion of that line of reasoning is that you should vote for Hitler if anyone worse than Hitler is on the ballot.

      • Chozo
        02 months ago

        You can do much more than vote.

        Right, but this is specifically about the election, where the one and only thing you can do is vote. At the end of the day, we’re all still looking at the same two options on the ballot, that part isn’t changing.

        • AdlachEnglish
          02 months ago

          All appearances to the contrary, I am going to vote. I’m voting for the PSL candidate, Claudia de la Cruz, because she does not support genocide.

          • Chozo
            02 months ago

            Oh, you believe in the viability of a third party vote in 2024. Sorry, I thought I was taking to a serious person, my bad.

            • AdlachEnglish
              02 months ago
              2 months ago

              Yes, I refuse to vote for genocide. No, I’m not under the impression de la Cruz will win the presidency.

              You do not have the moral high ground here, friend, and trying to talk down to people will not help you reclaim it.

              • Chozo
                02 months ago

                I’m not giving Trump an advantage by throwing away my vote, so I’d argue that I do have a moral high ground in this case. By (effectively) not voting, you’re demonstrating that you wanna see how Trump will handle Israel, instead. That’s not a concession I’m willing to make, myself.

                • AdlachEnglish
                  02 months ago
                  2 months ago

                  Argue all you want: you’re here saying you’re going to vote for a genocide and scolding others for refusing. If you want to call that moral, I guess I can’t stop you.

                  • Chozo
                    02 months ago

                    I do speak out against it, I’m not sure why you assume I wouldn’t. However, my options at the polls remain: Vote Trump, and help Trump suck Bibi’s dick, vote Biden and help Biden suck Bibi’s dick, or not vote/vote third party and go back to helping Trump suck Bibi’s dick.

                    No matter what, the US’s stance on Israel is still going to be shit and we’ll continue supporting their genocide. But I’m gonna go with the guy who at least shows some resistance to Israel (however pitiful it may be).

                    This isn’t the kind of year to be goofing around with your vote for the sake of sending a message because, in case you haven’t noticed, there’s a fuckin genocide happening right now and Trump would be the worst possible choice for handling a genocide. Save the third party push for a time when it actually has a chance; active genocides are not that time, and it’s incredibly selfish to hold your values over the actual victims of genocide.

                    You can vote how you want, I can’t change that. But just know that by voting third party this year, you’re effectively doing the most possible damage to Gaza, in the name of showing how much you support them. I dunno how the binding irony of it hasn’t already snapped you back to reality yet.