• thesporkeffect
    402 months ago

    Well, that’s because she’s so iconic that many drag performers use a similar look

    • Apytele
      172 months ago

      This is the best comment on this topic. Brief, but clearly and nonjudgmentally identifies the cultural context that easily could have led the original commenter to have come to this conclusion.

    • Sekoia
      92 months ago

      That totally explains it actually, neat.

      (Just to be clear because I got a bunch of replies, my original comment wasn’t negative at all)

      • TexasDrunk
        132 months ago

        Dolly Parton on losing a Dolly Parton lookalike contest:

        They had a bunch of Chers and Dollys that year and so I just over-exaggerated, made the beauty mark bigger, made my eyes bigger, the hair bigger — everything. All of these other beautiful drag queens had worked for months and weeks getting their clothes and all that, and they were dressed like me. So, I just got in the line and I just walked across [the stage] and they just thought I was some little, short gay guy. And I got the least applause but I was just dying laughing inside. I say it’s a good thing I was a girl or I’d be a drag queen.