Hi there, I’m a registered nurse in Phoenix, Arizona and I’m seriously considering moving abroad because this country is driving me insane for a lot of reasons. I was considering moving to Israel since I’m Jewish and I’ve heard they have a better healthcare system there and pay nurses well but this war has made me not really consider that anymore, so I’m open to suggestions. Thanks

  • BoozillaEnglish
    92 months ago

    Sorry if this seems lazy, but Canada has a decent population of Jews. Since you are a nurse, you have a better chance of getting in. Obviously there’s a ton of paperwork involved, but might be worth looking into.

    If you speak French, France might also be a good choice. Hella good worker’s rights there.

    • JewishLeftistOP
      82 months ago

      Not to brag but I speak French, Hebrew and German alongside English.

      Yeah I’ve heavily considered Canada though ironically it seems they’re going to elect their own Trump and might become more like the US. Still, I’m seriously considering it.

      • BoozillaEnglish
        122 months ago

        Not a brag, your languages very relevant to finding a new place to live.

        I wish good folks would stay and fight. But at the same time, I don’t blame anyone for leaving.

        • JewishLeftistOP
          32 months ago

          Yeah part of me wants to help make PHX more liberal, but another part of me just wants to get out.

          • BoozillaEnglish
            42 months ago

            I get it. I have friends and family who want to emigrate if orange idiot gets elected.

            • JewishLeftistOP
              22 months ago

              Yeah I mean I’m a woman so the fact he wants to end abortion rights once and for all alone makes me want to leave

              • BoozillaEnglish
                42 months ago

                I’m hopeful–perhaps naively so–that he’s pissed off most of the women voters and he will lose. The justice system is taking way too long to put him in prison where he belongs.

      • Em Adespoton
        32 months ago

        Worth noting that the Prime Minister does not have the same executive powers as the President. If Polivere actually wins a majority of seats (unlikely), he’ll still have to work with everyone else to get things done.

        It’s more likely the conservatives will win just enough seats to have to run a minority government and work with the Liberals, NDP, BQ and possibly Greens. And I don’t see the current conservative party surviving more than one election cycle.

      • Obi
        12 months ago

        French and German? Definitely Switzerland then!

      • JewishLeftistOP
        12 months ago

        Well in France they need police armed with machine guns to guard synagogues so probably not the best choice for me.

        • merde alors
          42 months ago
          2 months ago

          that’s the army, not the police.

          yes, they became an awkward part of the daily life in cities since the bataclan attack. see Vigipirate. But they are not particularly guarding synagogues. You can see them in front of churches or in train stations or touristic and popular places too.

          if you needed to add “leftist” to your name, i suppose you’re familiar with The Society of the Spectacle. They are not there to protect you, they’re there to make you feel protected (worse, to make you feel like you need constant protection!)