• qevlarr
    43 months ago

    Don’t waste energy categorizing right or wrong ways to protest. All this is a distraction from the actual issues.

    • luciferofastora
      33 months ago

      Agreed. The more we argue about the “how” of the protests, the more we’re distracted from what they’re actually protesting about. The most effective way of stopping people complaining about something isn’t to shut them up, but to fix the thing.

      If someone’s poor and can’t afford to buy food, no amount of fines or jail time will prevent them from going back to stealing food the second they get out because - guess what - they’re still fucking poor. There’s a food bank near where I lived a while ago that notoriously had long lines. Slowly shuffling forward in a queue that screams “I’m poor” must be uncomfortable, but they’re still not stealing food while they have an alternative.

      If you want people to stop vandalising shit in their outrage over exploitation and greed, fucking do something about the exploitation and greed. I’m sure those people could have thought of more pleasant ways to spend their time than creating their cornflour pigment, driving out there and getting arrested to make a point without leaving lasting damage.

      • qevlarr
        13 months ago
        3 months ago

        I wasn’t really, only in a rhetorical sense. You’re kinda being a dick about it, tho. Are you on a mission to be the most downvoted commenter or something? Don’t let me get in your way.

        • moon
          23 months ago

          Pretty sure this guy just runs around Lemmy trying to stir things up. I had a run-in with him recently that was needless contentious and I’m not surprised to see him doing the same thing here