• grueEnglish
    312 days ago
    12 days ago

    Oh, so you’re saying the tax is a good start but should be a lot higher? Fair enough then, I agree!

    • over_clox
      012 days ago
      12 days ago

      Sure, let’s work on it.

      Believe it or not, I haven’t had any milk in years. I’ve probably had a few burgers and meatballs with spaghetti a few times over the years, but those meals have been few and far between.

      Cattle products aren’t that important to me, I can do without. So yeah, fuckit, double the prices, might actually make people think twice

      Edit: I occasionally do eat pizza, so maybe a little more milk product in my diet, but even that isn’t often. Fuckit, I can give it up almost no problem, I’d just be sad to give up pizza