• TipRingEnglish
    228 days ago
    8 days ago

    I’m in the income bracket described here (certainly not “wealthy”) and while I wouldn’t say i am struggling, I have had to cut down on some extraneous spending. Nothing like what most people are facing though.

    • fishpen0
      148 days ago
      8 days ago

      Wait until that first surprise medical event. In that bracket. Employed full time w/health “insurance”. Eating instant ramen and had to get roommates. Lifestyle medication woo

      They can’t make you pay medical debt. But the pharmacy doesn’t refill your meds without payment up front. And you make too much for financial assistance and the fact your employer provides insurance actually eliminates counter discounts (uninsured discounts) and other benefits.

      Plus people on the internet will accuse you of being bad at money because “nobody making over $100k is poor”

      • TipRingEnglish
        118 days ago

        Sorry, I absolutely did not mean to minimize the struggles of anyone else. So much of our situations are dependent on factors that just can’t broadly apply across such a broadly defined demographic.