• Asafum
    67 days ago
    7 days ago

    I was moving to Florida with a friend and he warned me about his friends girlfriend who would also be living with us. “She’s a slut, she’ll try to sleep with anyone. So one day after being there a wile I’m woken up by someone climbing on my bed and I think “goddamn it not this” and immediately jump up.

    It was that guys hot sister that was into me until I bugged out there


    • Jimmycrackcrack
      46 days ago

      I don’t see why that moment was unsalvagable, the whole back story not withstanding, people get startled when woken, and it’s usually only momentary. Were there no words spoken or anything?

      • Asafum
        36 days ago

        It was so long ago I don’t remember exactly what I said but things just seemed awkward after that. I tried to show interest after that but it was never reciprocated lol