Wouldn’t they benefit from more people? Of course it would come with the condition of learning the language at an acceptable level and that being tied to residency.

      • olafurp
        25 days ago

        I’d argue that homeless are a symptom and lack of housing is the problem.

        • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
          14 days ago

          yes and no.

          homeless are a symptom of many things. healthcare. lack of rentals. lack of employment. lack of social services.

          but what is known is that there has been a huge increase in the rate of population growth in Canada in the last several years, along with a decrease in natural population increases (lowering birth rate) and a massive increase in immigration. While housing is an issue, there were never enough spare beds for the increase, and never could be, in the time frame they were required.

          So, to put it another way: no.

    • ThePrivacyPolicy
      04 days ago

      Unless you live there, your visit to BC likely did not involve needing to use any of those systems or services. You saw the country through tourist eyes.

      • afraid_of_zombies
        04 days ago

        Clearly. They must have hid the Mad Max dystopia from me. Excellent job. I am walking around Victoria thinking it’s a cute mini-Seattle and really they started BBQing humans babies for food when I turned around.