I understand that weather on TV can’t be hyperlocally accurate. But a weather app on my phone has my exact GPS coordinates. Why can’t it tell me exactly when a rain cloud will be passing over my location?

It’s gotten to the point where I just use precipitation maps to figure out my rain chances for the day.

The hourly forecast is mostly useless because it’s not a chance % but a % of the area that will be raining.

  • BearOfaTime
    22 months ago

    Even very close data stations are limited. I regularly get incorrect rainstorm notifications from data gathered from a couple miles away.

    • halcyoncmdrEnglish
      12 months ago

      Sma here. I have a buddy that’s a half mile away and we regularly don’t have the same rain. It’ll be pouring here and dry as a bone there.

      • acetanilideEnglish
        52 months ago

        I once experienced a storm where, for a very brief time, my front yard was experiencing a torrential downpour and my back yard was dry as a bone.

        My house was not that big - maybe 1700-1800sq ft - and our lot size was less than a quarter acre. Blew my mind. (Obviously storms have edges. It was still weird.)

      • HellinabucketEnglish
        42 months ago

        I had family from out of town calling me once because the nstional news was reporting the entire area was hit with heavy storms and tornados. The city isn’t even more then 15 minutes down the interstate, but we didn’t get a single drop of rain.