“Kenny just began to gasp for air repeatedly and the execution took about 25 minutes total.

Pretty compassionate way to kill a person.

Once again, the Law in the south is brutal.

  • Riccosuave
    2655 months ago
    5 months ago

    They used a mask rather than the more appropriate method which would be to use a sealed chamber that was forcefully evacuated of oxygen and replaced by nitrogen the way the suicide pods are supposed to function.

    The problem with a mask is it can’t be a perfectly sealed system. The issue with the execution from a logistical standpoint was the redneck engineering they employed and not the actual science behind nitrogen hypoxia.

    Please don’t come at me, I’m not making a value judgment about the use of the death penalty, I’m just explaining the issue with their shoddy ass methodology.

    Edit: accidentally a word.

    Edit #2 (YouTube Link): Here is some additional information about why a gas mask is an ineffective and dangerous way to conduct an execution via nitrogen hypoxia from Dr. Philip Nitschke, a leading advocate of the right to die movement and an expert in the field of voluntary euthanasia. He personally examined the execution method being used in Alabama, and told them he felt it would be ineffective for many of the same reasons stated above.

    • RememberTheApollo
      955 months ago

      FTR I’m generally against the death penalty, so same, don’t give me grief. I’m of the opinion that if it’s gonna be done, don’t fuck it up.

      Ok. So regarding the implementation it sounds like they fucked it up. As you said (and I previously implied) it sounds like they didn’t properly exclude oxygen/remove waste CO2. Kinda hard to believe they fucked up something so simple considering the ton of evidence on hypoxic accidents.

      • Riccosuave
        845 months ago
        5 months ago

        Precisely. They apparently either felt it was fine to cut corners, do not fully understand how nitrogen hypoxia actually works, or a little bit of suffering was intentionally part of the process because it still is Alabama after all

        • dustyDataEnglish
          525 months ago
          5 months ago

          The big, really big issue, and I hate to say it. Is that, depending on the jurisdiction and laws in place, executions cannot be done by professionals. Most of the people who would know how to do it properly, medics, nurses, engineers, are ethically banned from participating or facilitating executions. Not that this stops them all from participating, and in some contexts some do, but on the general, executions on the USA are performed by completely incompetent individuals.

          The more reason to just not fucking do them in the first place. How did they botched it using a mask when almost every single expert on medically assisted death recommends at least a sealed hood.

          • psud
            25 months ago

            The people with the most experience with nitrogen suffocation are scientists working with animals. It’s the current best ethical euthanasia method.

        • Talaraine
          345 months ago

          Was gonna say, in Alabama you could give them a step by step guide and they’d take shortcuts.

          • Sir_KevinEnglish
            105 months ago

            You’re assuming they could read the steps in the first place. That guide better include pictures!

        • peopleproblems
          215 months ago

          little bit of suffering was intentionally part of the process

          Of course it was. They also didn’t want to use nitrogen, as there is no awareness at all if done correctly. The drugs they use with lethal injection likely induce panic and pain because they do not induce unconsciousness before it.

          Executions have never been intended to be humane. They are punishment, vindication for the wronged. A childish obsession with a horrible misunderstanding of justice.

        • psud
          15 months ago

          The exit bag uses nitrogen suffocation as a suicide method. It’s a bag that encloses the person’s head. If they felt a mask could have been used, they would have

      • GladiusB
        105 months ago

        Hot take, they don’t care because they are killing someone. The humanity part of it is completely removed. They care that they did the deed and it didn’t work. It should have been immediate. Someone should be losing their job. An Internet search could have prevented this.

        • BakerBagel
          65 months ago

          Plus it’s Alabama. The cruelty has always been the point for as long as they have been a state

        • fine_sandy_bottom
          25 months ago

          Surely they ought to care simply because if they continue to fuck it up they will lose public support for executions?

          • GladiusB
            25 months ago

            Well you and I would think that is obvious. I am not so sure what they are thinking.

      • rtxnEnglish
        85 months ago

        I’m willing to bet my left testicle they thought in their lead-addled brain that it would work like a diver’s mask. Pumping in gas pushes out the water, so it must also push out the air, I tell you hwat! I don’t consider myself to be a very bright person, but even I know that water and air work differently.

    • Landmammals
      495 months ago

      I think the bigger issue is that he was aware of when the nitrogen started, so tried holding his breath for as long as possible.

      If he had the mask on and it was pumping breathable air, and then at some point switched to pure nitrogen without any warning that would be more humane because he wouldn’t know what was happening or when.

      • Eatspancakes84
        25 months ago

        Lol at calling any of that humane. There’s nothing humane about suffocating a man against his will.

        • Landmammals
          125 months ago

          It sounds like your real issue is with the act of executing criminals rather than the method used.

          Which is fine, but it’s a different discussion.

    • daddybutter
      215 months ago

      their shotty ass methodology.

      In case you didn’t know, that should be “shoddy” as in “made or done poorly”

      • Riccosuave
        115 months ago

        Yes, that is what I was going for, thank you. I have now corrected my shoddy spelling 🙃😉

    • ThrowawayPermanente
      135 months ago

      You shouldn’t really need a seal if you have positive pressure. Agree that this was half-assed, though

    • Pyr_Pressure
      65 months ago

      Why not use like a scuba mask with a tank of nitrogen instead of oxygen? Scuba masks are seemingly airtight.

      Or even a collar with a helmet like an astronaut suit. A lot easier to evacuate oxygen from a suit than an entire room.

    • snooggums
      25 months ago

      He could have held his breath in a chamber too. The problem is it being forced on someone instead of being voluntary or unnoticed.

      • FoshezeEnglish
        225 months ago

        He held his breath for 22min? No they fucked up the procedure. Even if he had held his breath at first he should have been unconsious the first time he took one. I’ve nearly been knocked out by nitrogen hypoxia before. It takes one lungfull of non oxygenated air to make you start to black out. He must have still been getting some oxygen somehow. It sounds like they were trying to use a mask (which is a dumb way to do it) so they probably didn’t use a high enough flow rate for the nitrogen and he was breathing in air from around the mask. They probably would have been better off forgetting about the mask entirely and just blowing nitrogen at his face at a much higher flow rate (that’s what almost did it for me).

        • snooggums
          -15 months ago

          He held his breath for 22min? No they fucked up the procedure.

          It was both.

      • FaceDeer
        115 months ago

        Make the switch from regular air to nitrogen at a random point and he’ll be dead before he realizes it.

    • Exosus
      -15 months ago

      Also the guillotine is right there it’s not pretty but the only method that “just works”.