“Kenny just began to gasp for air repeatedly and the execution took about 25 minutes total.

Pretty compassionate way to kill a person.

Once again, the Law in the south is brutal.

    • Steak
      05 months ago

      Hahaha alright lemmy. The death penalty is fine when you deem it’s alright. Bunch of hypocrites on this site lmao

      • CoreidanEnglish
        15 months ago
        5 months ago

        Cool story bro.

        Not sure why you keep addressing lemmy. Do you think it’s just one person? Have you not figured out that lemmy is full of different people with different opinions?

        I know fucking crazy right? Who would have imagined something as crazy as that.

        Welcome to the internet guy. First time?

        • Steak
          15 months ago
          5 months ago

          I’m addressing the down voters dude. Is it your first time on the internet. Have you never seen someone refer to Reddit or Twitter or lemmy as a whole? Are you being serious? Because this is pretty common on the internet

          Edit: seems like you just didn’t know what to say so you changed the topic. The equivalent of a child being wrong and responding with “yeah well you’re a stupid face”