For those of you who don’t want to use a ChatGPT but want a LLM.

  • homoludensEnglish
    9 months ago
    9 months ago

    Holy Cyberjesus I don’t experience with ChatGPT and the likes, and it’s obviously only one response, but the answer I got from https://api.together.xy to “Is it okay to do intense tempo runs in winter? is absolutely useless and wrong and neglecting the actual problems that are usually mentioned (cold air while breathing intensely):

    Intense tempo runs are usually done at tempo, which means that your foot contacts the ground after a relatively long time. This is different from the typical duration of a foot contact in normal running. In normal running, the foot contacts the ground after a relatively short time. In a tempo run, the duration of your foot contact with the ground is increased, which causes you to run at a faster pace than usual.

    Intense tempo runs are typically done in the winter, when the ground is harder and more difficult to run on. Hard ground can be more damaging to your body, so it’s important to be careful when running on snow, ice, or concrete. It’s important to take safety precautions when doing intense tempo runs in the winter, such as wearing proper shoes and clothing, and avoiding running on icy or snowy surfaces.

    It’s important to note that intense tempo runs can be dangerous if not done properly. It’s important to have a good understanding of your body and what works best for you. It’s also important to consult with a doctor before starting any new running program, especially if you have any previous injuries or health concerns.