Noa Argamani, an Israeli woman freed from Hamas captivity in Gaza in June, said on Friday that her injuries were caused by an Israeli air strike during her rescue operation, not by a Hamas attack.

Speaking to diplomats from G7 countries in Tokyo on Wednesday, Argamani detailed her ordeal after she was taken captive by Palestinian armed groups during the 7 October attack. However, two days later, she issued a statement on Instagram, saying that some of her remarks had been misquoted and taken out of context.

Contrary to some Israeli media reports, Argamani clarified that she was not beaten or had her hair shaved by Palestinian fighters.

[Hamas members] did not hit me while I was in captivity, nor did they cut my hair; I was injured by the collapse of a wall caused by an [Israeli] Air Force pilot, she added.

  • SpaceCowboy
    2 months ago

    Many in Israel think they should be punished by the military, similar to how the US punished members of the military for the abuses at Abu Ghraib.

    Meanwhile Hamas made Yahya Sinwar, the man responsible for the atrocities on October 7, to be their leader.

    As much as y’all try to both sides this thing, it’s very clear Hamas are really bad people.

    • SmilingSolaris
      2 months ago

      I tend not to blame the beaten dog for biting the kid, instead I blame the man who beat the dog to that point.

        • SmilingSolaris
          2 months ago

          Say whatever you feel hardens up your soul to the systemic atrocities committed on the palastinians. Do you care about making the world better? Or are you concerned only with establishing a world in which your side can say “history stops here, where we have no blame”.

          Coward cop out.

          • Custodian1623
            2 months ago

            i don’t like an analogy where one’s a human and the other isn’t. if you want to make that out to be whatever strawman you just did that’s your prerogative

            • SmilingSolaris
              2 months ago

              That’s funny. You’re supposed to feel sympathy for the dog in the metaphor.

              Here, I’ll do a realistic human only metaphorical historical retelling of the events.

              Man walks into your house and says it is his house now. You fight back, he kills you in front of your child. Your child grows up in the basement dungeon of that house, the man comes down occasionally and beats your child. When the child swings back the man beats him harder and blames the child. 80 years later the man has a family and is still living in the house. The child in the basement tries to blow up the whole fucking house. Then comes a completely random person who says the kid is an evil murderer who just wanted to destroy the man’s family. Probably because he didn’t really know about the 80 years of beatings and the dead father and stolen house.

              Personally, id blame the man, both for pushing the kid to a position that extreme and brutal violence was the only way to even be heard.

              Id blame the man twice infact for moving his wife and children into the house he knows he stole, knows he killed for, and knows there’s a person in the basement who he must violently repress because of he ever gets free, everything will burn.

              It’s very sad that the wife and child died when the house blew up, but the man is at fault for that. Not the child in the basement. People like you tend to use the phrase “human shields” in these situations, but strangely enough it never is applied to the party in power, despite them doing the same exact thing.

              There. All human. Pretty historical. Just for you. Not like the effort will be appreciated. We are just both yelling at each other. Here’s the real sad thing. If you was a moral person like you believe yourself to be, I would really. Genuinely. Human being to human being talking to each other here. Please take this genuinely and turn off the hate and anger for a second. Think about it. Look up the history and truly picture yourself as a Palestinian going through it. Ask yourself how you feel about native American terrorism against colonists and if that feeling is the same. Think about the Haitian revolution and tell me who is “in the right”. Look at the polish ghetto rebellion and ask why you probably honor that event instead of thinking about the Nazi soldiers families who had moved into the city. Please think about all of that and relate it back to this moment and ask why your inconsistent in those beliefs, because I refuse to believe that any genuine person could learn about the events I mentioned and truly think the natives, the enslaved folks, the people of Warsaw, are in the wrong. This situation is no different.

              I hope this message has a genuine effect on you. I hope that you truly read it and think on it. I am not willing to argue further if that’s what you intend, but if you end up somehow with an open mind, I’d be okay talking with you. Otherwise, I’m done here. I wish your heart the best.

    • Zacpod
      2 months ago

      Both Hamas and the IDF are evil bastards only interested in harming the other, even if it means killing innocents. No excuses for either side.

      • SpaceCowboy
        2 months ago

        “both sides both side both sides”

        How about we demand that Hamas leave their underground lairs and battle the IDF a safe distance away from the civilian population?

        I’m sure the IDF would agree to those terms, but do you honestly believe Hamas would?

        • Zacpod
          2 months ago

          Hamas would probably be fine with that if the IDF came to the fight in rags with 50 year old AKs and Molotovs.

          When both sides are killing children and innocents, both sides are evil.

          “We got the terrorist, but had to bomb a school full of kids” isn’t the action of a good society.