Vaccines can be delivered through the skin using ultrasound. This method doesn’t damage the skin and eliminates the need for painful needles. To create a needle-free vaccine, Darcy Dunn-Lawless at the University of Oxford and his colleagues mixed vaccine molecules with tiny, cup-shaped proteins. They then applied liquid mixture to the skin of mice and exposed it to ultrasound – like that used for sonograms – for about a minute and a half.

  • TherouxSonfeirOPEnglish
    11 months ago

    If you don’t update your computer security, you might be email out viruses to your contacts without even knowing. Is it their responsibility not to get infected or is the responsibility ultimately on you to stay updated?

    • QuodamoresDeiEnglish
      11 months ago

      Terrible analogy. Human lives and computer systems are not really comparable. Pretty sure the responsibility of keeping each computer free of virus falls on the users of those terminals or the IT department managing it.

      Has a security update ever done more harm than the virus that it’s trying to stop?

      Check r/vaccinelonghaulers in reddit for more information.

      COVID has a very high survival rate without intervention. Early treatment with a few drugs proved to be more efficacious on saving lives. Intubation and Remdesevir killed more people than it helped.

      And, at least in the US, many of us who are against the mRNA gene therapies will literally as in actually fight to the death those Nazis who are into force injecting things into people.

      I will; however, continue to pray for all those who received doses that they don’t succumb to cardiac myopathies, blood clots, or strokes.

      So many people that had the shots are struggling with perpetual pneumonias. It’s sad.