I’m personally using NewsFlash at the moment, and it’s perfectly fine, but its borders are completely incongruous with my theme, I assume they’re based around Gnome and I’m on Plasma, so I’m looking for a new one and was wondering what people here use?

On top of one for Linux, I’d be curious on if any of you have recommendations for Android or iOS, as only being able to check the news on my pc has led to me relying on RSS a bit less than I’d like.

  • AVincentInSpaceEnglish
    9 months ago
    9 months ago

    I personally prefer native email clients to web (no browser overhead, no ads, no sweet-lord-Yahoo-why-is-that-feature-there, simple no-nonsense layout, plus several features web clients don’t have like viewing message headers (which often reveal some fairly interesting information about the various servers the email passed through on its way to your inbox) and, of course, the ability to read email while offline)