Keep in mind they’re sophists so it has to be a well-structured logical argument. I don’t know why I keep arguing with these kinds of people. Disclaimer: I’m pro-LGBT.

  • tygerprints
    9 months ago
    9 months ago

    Then that absolutely means that heterosexuality is also immoral, because ask any man alive and they’ll (if theyr’e honest) tell you they crave anal sex whether they are hetero or homo. Recent reports have shown that anal sex is more prevalent among hetero couples than it ever has been among gays.

    Anal sex is NOT the most common way that homosexual men have sex together, and it isn’t even practiced by many gay couples.

    So if that’s your standard for what is moral or immoral, a) you’re an imbecile in every possible way, and b) all human sexuality is wrong and immoral. I choose to see sexuality as something good and enjoyable, so if I’m going to hell for it, I’m gonna have as much fun as I can getting there.