Former CEO of Google has been quietly working on a military startup for “suicide” attack drones.::The former Google CEO has been quietly working on a military startup called White Stork with plans to design “kamikaze” attack drones.

  • PatchEnglish
    9 months ago

    The headline is kinda burying the lede. You’re absolutely right that “kamikaze drones” already exist. Others have rather glibly pointed out that cruise missiles that have existed for decades are essentially this, and more recently there have been a great many “loitering munitions” drones which are what this startup is talking about.

    The thing that seems to be novel here is that they are intending to make them fully automated, with AI-driven target acquisition, and capable of operating in a zero-comms environment. Currently drones generally still need a human at the controls.

    The idea of what amounts to the equivalent of Tesla’s “Full Self Driving” tech being in charge of deciding who lives and dies and what should be reduced to a smouldering crater is, it has to be said, faintly unnerving.