
I am planning to implement authenticated boot inspired from Pid Eins’ blog. I’ll be using pam mount for /home/user. I need to check integrity of all partitions.

I have been using luks+ext4 till now. I am hesistant hesitant to switch to zfs/btrfs, afraid I might fuck up. A while back I accidently purged ‘/’ trying out timeshift which was my fault.

Should I use zfs/btrfs for /home/user? As for root, I’m considering luks+(zfs/btrfs) to be restorable to blank state.

  • rodbirenEnglish
    9 months ago

    I have had no hiccups at all with an OpenSuse MicroOS server where I host game servers and a couple other self hosted applications. Btrfs is nice for snapshots and is the default for that distribution. I get daily updates and have not even once had to think about my server. I use it for sharing some of my files, reverse proxy for some web hosting, run everything on container, and use watchtower to update each container. It’s been working like a treat for years.