• IninewCrowEnglish
    8 months ago
    8 months ago

    The conversations and debates keep circling around one core concept of our civilization that is slowly becoming outdated because it is the main bottleneck in our development and the development of technology.

    Capitalism and the money system.

    Human needs require all of us to make a bit of money in order to survive.

    Human greed demands that we want to go beyond survival and just become enormously wealthy without regard for anything or anyone.

    AI is quickly out pacing us and nothing is holding it back because the possibilities are limitless now. The only thing holding it back is our own collective greed. To AI the internet and communications is a place to exchange information not a place to make money.

    And to me the problem is the small group of individuals that want to maintain the system of generating all the wealth for them. Because the answer is simple, if wealth were more equally distributed in the world and everyone everywhere were happy and healthy with what they had and they no longer had to worry about surviving, there would be no backlash of worrying about advertising on the internet and in how to compensate people for their work.

    We worry about the money system because 90% of humanity constantly has to fight to have a piece of it and 10% of it has complete control of all of it and never wants to let go.

    This isn’t a problem of internet advertising and compensating creators it’s just a symptom of wealth inequality and until we solve that problem, AI will just keep chipping away at civilisation beyond our collective control.