I know it’s an unpopular opinion given current circumstances, but I’ve always been a huge nerd about Russia. The history, the geography, the music, etc. And as an American, I’ve always found it fascinating how U.S.-Russian relations have fluctuated over time. We’ve gone from allies, to enemies, to frenemies. This doesn’t mean I support Z or Putin, of course. What are you a nerd about?

  • Bakachu
    8 months ago

    Rabbits. Had them as pets throughout my childhood and I was fascinated with their behavior. Sadly, some of my knowledge came from irresponsibleness as pet stores used to sell them willy nilly without good care instructions. This was also during the dial-up modem era so there wasn’t much on the internet then either.

    Here’s some things to know:

    1. You have to handle them a lot when they are young or they will not make great pets.
    2. You can litter train them. They can’t use cat litter though as clay dust is bad for their lungs.
    3. If you don’t get them fixed, especially the females, they can be predisposed to a lot of reproductive system cancers and be extremely aggressive.
    4. They are highly social animals. It’s especially cruel to keep one alone for its entire life.
    5. They are somewhat opportunistic carnivores.