I was homeschooled previously with a small group of other children and we fart in class all the time.

Now I’m in public school for high school and no one is farting. I was very sheltered and public school is like a whole new world for me, so I don’t know what the norms are. I’ve been holding it in but my stomach hurts and it leaks out anyway.

I don’t understand how there are so many more people in high school and yet zero farts

  • Dio9sys
    10 months ago

    I was homeschooled until highschool as well. The best I can tell you is to do bathroom runs occasionally and fart it up in the bathroom. If it becomes a serious social concern then I would look into taking a couple beano pills with your breakfast.

    Good luck, and godspeed 🫡 your first while in public school is gonna be hard and weird while you learn how to be normal, but all things (including gas) pass with time.

    Pro tip that I didn’t learn until uncomfortably late: if a dude has a cool haircut, even if you really wanna feel his hair, do NOT ask to touch his hair unless he does that freshly shaved head thing where he asks people to feel how fuzzy it is. Trust me. Comparing your hair textures and feels is fine among siblings but classmates consider it to be deeply weird.