I installed a few different distros, landed on Cinnamon Mint. I’m not a tech dummy, but I feel I’m in over my head.

I installed Docker in the terminal (two things I’m not familiar with) but I can’t find it anywhere. Googled some stuff, tried to run stuff, and I dunno.

I’m TRYING to learn docker so I can set up audiobookshelf and Sonarr with Sabnzbd.

Once it’s installed in the terminal, how the hell do I find docker so I can start playing with it?

Is there a Linux for people who are deeply entrenched in how Windows works? I’m not above googling command lines that I can copy and paste but I’ve spent HOURS trying to figure this out and have gotten no where

Thanks! Sorry if this is the wrong place for this

EDIT : holy moly. I posted this and went to bed. Didn’t quite realize the hornets nest I was going to kick. THANK YOU to everyone who has and is about to comment. It tells you how much traction I usually get because I usually answer every response on lemmy and the former. For this one I don’t think I’ll be able to do it.

I’ve got a few little ones so time to sit and work on this is tough (thus 5h last night after they were in bed) but I’m going to start picking at all your suggestions (and anyone else who contributes as well)

Thank you so much everyone! I think windows has taught me to be very visually reliant and yelling into the abyss that is the terminal is a whole different beast - but I’m willing to give it a go!

  • Possibly linuxEnglish
    8 months ago


    It seems like podman would be way harder as you need to configure systemd and manage containers yourself.

    With docker compose you apply it and docker creates the containers you need.

    • Pantherina
      8 months ago

      I dont know if you still need an external repo for docker, podman is in the system repo.

      When using Containers it works the same. Yes systemd stuff may be manual thats what Podman Desktop is probably for.

      Its more secure, more free and when learning it new anyways, why not the better tool?

      • Possibly linuxEnglish
        8 months ago
        8 months ago

        Podman is not really a replacement for docker. It is its own separate thing and it has trade offs with docker.

        The reason I use podman on my local machine and for Jellyfin is that it is darn fast. It makes docker look like a emulator by comparison. With that being said the issue with podman is mostly permission related. However, it also has some instability in cases where a container malfunctions. This often is happens when you try to stop and start a container at the same time.

        Once that happens the runtime effectively locks up as the system is in a state that it doesn’t know how to handle.

        Some of the benefits of docker include its ability to recover from just about anything. If you need a container to always be available docker can do that. It also can do on the fly patching and self healing.

        Docker compose is very nice to have for larger software with multiple containers. I can write a docker compose that builds and deploys my nodejs applications with a database back end and it will just work without any issues. Deploy it and you are good.

        • Pantherina
          8 months ago

          Thanks for the info, I have little personal experience especially with compose.

          How is podman compose after setting it up?

          • Possibly linuxEnglish
            8 months ago

            Podman compose is very much lacking and breaks easily (don’t use it)