I’ve been happily posting away here on two accounts since just before the Great Migration, and have no problem being openly a woman on the internet. Up to and including correcting people who assume I’m a guy, and even occasionally acknowledging the existence of periods.

Which, honestly that was a bad tactic back on Reddit, my inbox was a nightmare. But here it’s gone much better, so thank you to anyone who ever received one of my corrections with good grace!

It’s also brought quite a few DMs my way from other women who try to stay more anonymous with their posts, a choice I can completely understand.

So today on International Women’s Day I just want to wave hello to the other women out there, even if you don’t want to break cover and wave back. Anonymous or not, cis or trans, I see you out there and you’re killing it.

This may break the community rule on encouraging discussion, if nobody wants to out themselves to say hello back. So I guess I should also ask a question.

Umanyone else using it as an excuse to treat themselves today? I’ve given myself the day (mostly) off work and am doing some fun gamedev all afternoon instead, then we’re planning a takeaway tonight. Easily pleased, perhaps, but sounds good to me 😄

  • squeezeyerbawdyEnglish
    7 months ago

    Happy International Women’s Day to everyone! I volunteered at an IWD event this week and it was really encouraging and always eye opening. Many of us feeling imposter syndrome in our work and this ever-gnawing anxiety about the direction things are headed but just sharing and witnessing the courage out there was inspiring. We are out here and you are not alone!

    Thanks for reaching in! I am just going to celebrate by taking care of myself this weekend, sleeping in as best I can, squeezing my cat, getting a massage, taking a walk, and planning out my balcony garden ideas for this year.

    • thegiddystitcherOPEnglish
      7 months ago

      Honestly that sounds like such a brilliant weekend. Well played! And huge respect for the volunteer work, too, these sorts of things really make a difference to people.