• oxjoxEnglish
    7 months ago
    7 months ago

    “He is the father of Marine Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, who was KIA due to Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Mast said online. “Joe Biden may try to turn the page on Afghanistan after his incompetence cost American lives, but NOT ON MY WATCH.

    Last August, on the two-year anniversary of the explosion, Biden released a statement to mourn the lives of the service members and civilians who were killed in the “horrific terrorist attack.


    We will forever honor the memory of the 13 service members who were stolen far too soon from their families, loved ones, and brothers- and sisters-in-arms, while performing a noble mission on behalf of our nation. We can never repay the incredible sacrifice of any of the 2,461 U.S. service members who lost their lives over two decades of war in Afghanistan or the 20,744 who were wounded. But we will never fail to honor our sacred obligation to our service members and veterans, as well as their families, caregivers, and survivors.

    Today, Jill and I remember and mourn these 13 brave American service members and the more than 100 innocent Afghan civilians who were killed in the horrific terrorist attack at Abbey Gate. Many more were injured and will carry the impacts of their wounds and the horrors of that day for the rest of their lives.

    We pray for the families of our fallen warriors. We grieve with them, we honor them, and we will always continue to support them.

    The ignorance and stupidity in this country will most certainly be our demise.

    • spaghettiwestern
      7 months ago

      These are the same people who want to know why Obama wasn’t in the Oval Office on 9/11.