

It’s too late to save the world

Ash trees sprout in cracks in the asphalt. The gutters collect leaves, which become soil, in which dandelions sprout.

There’s nothing you can do

A man plants an entire forest. A young girl teaches a drone to deliver saplings. The elderly volunteer to clean up radioactive waste.

You might as well give up

Wolves return to ancestral hunting grounds. Bison return to the prairie. Otters return to the kelp beds. Young oaks push roots deep into reclaimed farmland.

Who cares anyway?

Children draw pictures of flowers. Festivals are held for cherry blossoms and pecans and apples. A crowd cheers as the last line is cut away from the ensnared creature.

I have disobeyed worse than you The world does not die on my watch

  • icepuncher69English
    1 year ago

    Finaly, some sense and logic into the climate doom thing. All post i see are just “Nhyee wE cAnT dO sHiT 4 tE wORldz mYke ASS wELL DiE nhhyyeee booo hoo hoo” Boo mother fucking hoo, we can absolutely stop global warming dead on its tracks and we all know how dont we? Nobody has the balls to actually say it ( me neither admidetly) let alone go through with it. While we and our children are condemned to suffer throught the hot climate, we can absolutelly save the world for our grand children if we work together and repalce our poluting tech with renewable electric shit powered by renewable energy sources, and also throw capitalistic lizard people out of the ecuation with that other thing that we dont talk abbout cuz you would be surpriced.

    • ThisfoxEnglish
      1 year ago

      Sadly the other commenters are more interested in spreading depressing facts. Sometimes it is pleasant to read something uplifting.