It’s time for the annual “look how much weight I gained over the holidays 😞”, and New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Does anyone use a food and exercise tracker app on their Android device? How is your experience with it?

  • money_looEnglish
    10 months ago
    10 months ago

    It doesn’t do food but I highly recommend StrongLifts 5x5. I’d never lifted weights in my life and it got my going in my 30s and it’s been life changing.

    One thing I’d add if you take it up is to start extremely light on the weights if you’ve never lifted, and most importantly, just try to be consistent. Turn each workout into a mental link on a chain you’re building internally and make sure you stick with the three times a week schedule. Don’t break the chain!

    It only takes about 15-20 mins to complete the workout and you’ll be so much healthier and happier for doing it just three times a week.

    Good luck!

    *I use the iOS version with my Apple watch for easier tracking, but this is the android version: