Just a simple question to those of you suffering from depression, anxiety or are just going through a tough time. Now or sometime in the past.

Have you tried exercising, and did it help? What kind, and how did it make you feel?

  • garbagebagel
    7 months ago

    I have had a very similar and frustrating experience where I’ve been exercising regularly since the beginning of the year pretty much but my insomnia honestly felt like it got worse so I was just exhausted all the time, plus frustrated that I wasn’t able to do as much stuff that I actually enjoyed because working out would take up extra time in my day, and on top of that I haven’t seen any weight loss from it (despite also dieting). In the past I never had this issue and I’d be able to work out regularly and feel better and healthier so I’m not sure if it’s just my worsening mental health or new stressors or what but it’s awful.

    • papalonian
      7 months ago

      Yup definitely feel you on the “not having enough time” aspect of things. I think that’s one of the major factors to my situation, at least for my general mood. My schedule is pretty much wake up, go to school/work, come home and work out, get some stuff ready for my DnD game, then go to sleep. Outside of the DnD stuff, I’ve barely had any free time to just chill or play videogames. Since working out, my days have had to be planned damn near down to the minute and it’s so exhausting feeling like I always need to be doing something.