Mine is to to keep chocolate in the fridge. It’s a lot crunchier and has more chocolate taste.

  • Cloudless ☼English
    496 months ago

    Learn to cook. It makes you happier and probably healthier.

    Fried rice is easy to make and delicious.

    When a cop ask you questions, only answer what you are required to answer.

    If you are still using Chrome/Edge, try Firefox.

    Do not skip going to the dentist.

    • NosavingthrowEnglish
      136 months ago

      If you live in the United States, don’t talk to cops. You don’t know this person. You don’t know that the cop isn’t a criminal and is now looking for a patsy. Don’t discuss your day, don’t discuss your travel plans, don’t say where you’ve been. If a cop asks to search anything, don’t say yes, don’t say no, don’t say sure, no thanks. The only thing you say is ‘I do not consent to a search’, regardless of how it is asked. If a cop asks you anything, say ‘I invoke the fifth and I want to speak to a lawyer’. Burghuis v thompkins effect hobbled you miranda rights. And you must verbalize your right to remain silent. You must also verbally request a lawyer in basically eight grade english. No slang. If you say ‘I want a lawyer, dawg’ state v demesme makes it reasonable for cops to believe you would like a lawyer who is a dog.

    • ChaiEnglish
      126 months ago

      I can’t imagine browsing the web without Firefox!

    • fsxyloEnglish
      106 months ago

      Don’t just learn to cook. Find at least one dish that you want to get down pat and perfect that dish. Having that one dish you do perfectly is great for date nights.

      • spittingimageEnglish
        46 months ago

        I’m not saying good pasta is the way to a woman’s heart, but it’s true that I’ve never seen a woman in a bad mood with good pasta in her stomach.

    • mozz
      86 months ago
      6 months ago

      When a cop ask you questions, only answer what you are required to answer.

      Yep. You have to tell them your name and ID yourself, you have to get out of the car if they tell you to, but you don’t have to say shit about what did or didn’t happen. Even if you haven’t been read your rights there are still some circumstances where the bodycam can be played and used against you in court. It only takes 2 seconds for one random thing to come out of your mouth that you can’t take back that can perfectly make the case against you, and put you away.

      The cops’ job is to catch bad people and put them away. That is fine, you don’t gotta be hostile or deliberately make everyone’s day unpleasant, but if you’re in the crosshairs as a potential bad person don’t say a goddamned word until you talk to a lawyer. Anything helpful for your side about you talking to them will still be helpful after you talk to a lawyer.

      For as much as I don’t agree with him stealing, this guy actually shows a great example of how it works (all sides - the manipulation of dude-just-be-honest and his correct response to it; obeying all the lawful orders but telling them to GFY whenever they ask him questions.)


      “I’m not admit to a god damned thing. Prove it.

      (Honestly I wouldn’t even say that much, because they can maybe play that in court and say see he knew he was guilty. Just, I don’t want to talk to you about it until I talk to a lawyer first.)

    • dingusEnglish
      86 months ago

      As someone who hates cooking, it definitely does not make me happier.

    • SbisasCostlyTurnoverEnglish
      56 months ago


      Me and my partner have spent the last hour looking through recipe books because I need to figure out how to good a more diabetes friendly selection of foods.

      I can cook a roast dinner no problem, but cooking beans and pulses? No idea.

      • BonesOfTheMoonEnglish
        16 months ago

        Get an Instant Pot, put in some pinto beans, ads Chile, cumin, and chopped jalapenos, as well as veggie broth, enjoy your life. Instant Pot or any pressure cooker is really worth it.

  • 48954246English
    356 months ago

    Don’t cheap out on anything that connects you to the ground.

    • shoes
    • tyres
    • chairs
    • bed (mattress specifically)
    • neidu2MEnglish
      46 months ago

      At first I read “chains” and had some questions.

      • spittingimageEnglish
        26 months ago

        You should definitely spend good money on the bed the chains connect you to.

    • SolemnEnglish
      26 months ago

      A bed frame to get your mattress off the floor makes a bigger difference than you’d think. And having one that won’t break and drop you is even better!

      That said, I love IKEA bed frames.

      • KrudlerEnglish
        16 months ago

        If you’re not using a center support you’re wrecking your mattress as it sags in the centre. Please keep this in mind!

  • TimecirclelineEnglish
    326 months ago

    Mine is don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from

  • weeeeumEnglish
    316 months ago

    Wear hearing protection. Often. I work and talk to a lot of handyman type people and almost all of them have somewhat poor hearing. Even some close to my age (20’s). The one thing in common? No hearing protection.

    Even though hand tool woodwork is much quieter I still always wear earplugs. Even when running the vacuum I wear hearing protection. I also take it easy with the music, with a great pair of headphones you don’t need to crank it up.

    Also wear respirators often when dealing with almost any particulate. If you are working on something that produces a lot of dust, you probably want to wear a respirator. Doesn’t matter if it’s natural, even wood dust can mess you up. Especially during grinding or sanding.

    A lot of shitty people will give you flak, but NEVER let people dictate your safety, specifically when they tell you to use less.

    • MaalusEnglish
      36 months ago

      To add onto this - always wear gloves when painting / don’t get paint on your hands. Stuff is mostly toxic - even acrylic paint. Boat paint is incredibly bad for you (polyurethane 2 part for instance). Wear a mask when painting

      • spittingimageEnglish
        16 months ago

        This. I worked with polyurethane glue a couple of weeks ago. The tube says to use gloves. I thought “meh, I’ll just be careful not to get it on my hands”. Hello tiny itchy blisters. The fumes are an irritant too.

        • MaalusEnglish
          16 months ago

          I spoke with a guy that has a small boat and painted boats a lot. He said he met so many people that don’t use gloves, respirators, etc, and they all feel like they lost intelligence over the years and have huge respiratory issues. Getting 2 part paint on your skin builds up in the system and caused long time illnesses.

    • cerementEnglish
      36 months ago

      Doesn’t matter if it’s natural, even wood dust can mess you up.

      Decades back there was a letter to the editor in Fine Woodworking complaining about a similar thing, writer had been sanding some lacquerware furniture and got a monstrous rash – lacquer comes from the lacquer tree and contains urishiol (poison sumac, poison oak, poison ivy)

  • WookieMonsterEnglish
    286 months ago

    Uh, disagree. Chocolate tastes MUCH better at room temperature.

    • ThePowerOfGeekEnglish
      186 months ago

      Well, good quality chocolate tastes much better at room temperature. Shit quality ‘chocolate’ like some of the big brands here in America does taste better cold. But only because it dulls the horrible taste.

      Which brings me to my own little life pro-tip: spend a bit more on decent quality chocolate. It’s worth the cost.

      • WookieMonsterEnglish
        46 months ago

        Agree, I will not eat Hershey’s. It tastes like vomit. No thanks.

        • LucasWaffyWafEnglish
          106 months ago

          Iirc a lot of American chocolate has a preservative in it which was originally used to keep it good during long journeys in transit to stores. Americans got used to the taste of this preservative, so it remains

          Said preservative has a similar taste to what gives parmesan and vomit a distinct bite in its taste.

          I’m going off memory here so if I’m wrong please correct me.

          • spittingimageEnglish
            36 months ago

            Butyric acid. Also the compound that gives rancid butter its smell.

          • thegiddystitcherEnglish
            36 months ago

            As a European, I’d read about this phenomenon and assumed it was just a sort of vaguely reminiscent hint of a taste. Because surely nobody would be eating it if it tasted strongly of vomit.

            Was given a free sample of Hershey’s in Chicago once. Didn’t taste of anything at all it was just weird and waxy. So much for that!

            Yeah I made it maybe halfway down the street before the taste kicked in. For any other non-US folks who think it’s an exaggeration, it is not. Literally tasted like I’d thrown up in my mouth, not just a bit like it but literally like vomit.

            My minor life advice is do not accept handouts of Hershey’s chocolate!

    • HeyJoeEnglish
      26 months ago

      Agree! Also, I agree with the other comment as well. Sometimes, and I mean sometimes, I can go for a frozen milky way or Twix but that’s way different and even then that’s like a once every 2 years thing for me.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍English
    236 months ago

    I got all the life advice I needed from the coach in Teen Wolf in 1985:

    • Never get less than 12 hours sleep
    • Never play poker with a guy whose first name is a city
    • Never get involved with a woman whose got a tattoo of a dagger on her body
    • toiletobserverEnglish
      16 months ago

      Only less well known as never go up against a Sicilian, when DEATH is on the line!

  • JimmybanderEnglish
    176 months ago

    Clean the lent trap on the clothes dryer everytime.

    Test your smoke detectors at least once a year.

    • xylogxEnglish
      36 months ago

      The thing is, you never know for sure until you try it.

    • spittingimageEnglish
      16 months ago

      If it can’t work, it gets replaced. If it can but won’t, it gets abused until it does or can’t.

  • grrgyleEnglish
    126 months ago

    Read the entire error message, then look it up, before asking for help.

  • TheImpressiveXEnglish
    116 months ago

    Never buy food when you’re hungry. You’ll end up wasting money buying more food than you need, and after all is said and done, you’ll feel really fat and be ashamed at yourself.

    • grrgyleEnglish
      26 months ago

      I keep a granola bar in my bag specifically to save money when grocery shopping