It’s very sad, but with the holiday weekend I’ve been able to keep it in the back of my mind instead of the front. Now that Mom is sharing info on services, i can’t imagine actually going there and seeing and what to say and it’s getting to me, a lot. Today is a celebration day in my house and i don’t want to bring my family down, so i just need a place to rest this until i can get back to it tomorrow and begin processing. Sorry for public journaling.

    • TodayOPEnglish
      7 months ago

      That was very very good. Thank you for sharing it. Reminded me of a a kiddo we had several years ago - Mom said he was a little stinker at 18 months, constantly climbing on things and pestering his sister. He found a Tylenol on the floor and put in his mouth -it got stuck. The hospital was able to revive him. We got him at school at the age of 3 - no voluntary movement at all; but always clean, smelled good, and perfectly dressed. I can’t fathom the extremes of emotion the family must have felt that day - the pain of losing him, the relief that he survived, then the constant care.