it’s a bit of a busy week but i am currently reading I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism

  • JCPhoenixEnglish
    6 months ago

    On the work front, I absolutely had no motivation to do anything on Thursday or Friday. Like I just sat in my chair all at home, sitting on social media/news/games. I really try not to play games during the workday, but I was just completely sapped of all motivation. Idk what the deal was with that. Not like the first half of last week was a hard work, either. At least, I was able to find some motivation and work on some things today.

    I finally bought a UPS for my homelab server. Only 3-4yrs after first getting the server and like 6mo since a momentary voltage sag from the wall/mains power caused the server to shutdown unexpected and corrupt one of my VMs (at least, that’s what I think happened). And this UPS even interfaces with ESXi to automatically – and ideally, gracefully – shutdown in case of a loss of power. I think I’ll test that this weekend.

    Also did and filed my taxes yesterday (Sunday). At like 5am. Because what else is there to do at 5am on a Sunday, other than taxes? 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • MangoKangarooEnglish
      6 months ago

      Yay for a UPS! I need to get around to buying one for my NAS, as the power in my area is touch-and-go when the weather gets rough. Also, you’re on ESXi for a homelab? Is there some kind of personal use license that you can get for it, or are you shelling out cash for a regular business license?

      • JCPhoenixEnglish
        6 months ago

        That’s exactly why I got a UPS! The electric lines to my building are overhead instead of underground, so sometimes weather makes things flicker.

        And I’m using ESXi 6.5 still. There were free licenses available, but I think for the CyberPower UPS software that I’m using, it requires a non-free license. Luckily, there are license keys floating around the Internet.

        A friend and I did consider buying a proper license (I have access to non-profit pricing), but with Broadcom’s recent pricing changes and massive increases for VMWare products, that’s probably not an option anymore. I think VMWare also pulled the free personal-use licenses, as well. I may eventually transition to Promox (which I do have on another server) or something else. Broadcom really did a number on VMWare =/

        • MangoKangarooEnglish
          6 months ago

          Yep, we’ve been dealing with the !!FUN!! of the new licensing changes at work. My boss strongly doubts Broadcom will just stop honoring the perpetual licenses, as they’ve claimed they might. Although I agreed with him, I ended up convincing him to just get the stupid subscription. The joys of enterprise software plans. :D

    • Megaman_EXEEnglish
      6 months ago
      6 months ago

      Maybe I’m a bad influence, idk. But honestly, I think people generally work quite hard overall. We’re often stuck working for less than we should be getting and doing unfufilling tasks repeatedly.

      Life’s too short for us to be stuck in an office/warehouse/job for 8+ hours a day until retirement.

      Obviously, try not to let it become a habit lol. Don’t get in trouble, but I think if people can take back their time and still ultimately be productive most of the time, then I say go for it. Everyone has off days, and they’re lying if they say they don’t. We’re humans, not machines

      I hope you’re doing better!

      Sent from my android while listening to RATM at work lol.

      • JCPhoenixEnglish
        6 months ago

        Ha, perhaps I’m a bad influence as well! I’m definitely like you most of the time. I’m usually the guy in my office who’s like, “People, relax; nothing we’re doing here is life or death! I’m constantly telling my co-workers to just breathe and slow down a bit (read: a lot).

        And I’ve definitely had a few (past) co-workers consider me the “lazy one” just because I’m not putting in 80hrs a week, crying in the office due to the stress, even though I still get my shit done. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve put in my 12hr days or working overnight or during the weekend to fix something. I work in IT, so sometimes I need everyone offline to do my stuff. But those are very, very rare.

        But I still try to do at least some work each day. So it was unusual for two straight days to basically do nothing! You’re right though; sometimes it just happens and you have to ride it out. Definitely much more productive this week already!