
Thanks to the following commenters below for additional recommendations that I added to this post!

  • bruhduh
  • Toes

Free Open Source Alternatives


For all visual/graphical artists I would personally recommend switching from Photoshop over to


For audio migration I’d recommend switching from Soundbooth to


Acrobat Reader to


Premiere to

There’s also an excellent thread started by

  • OhmsLawnEnglish
    4 months ago

    Thanks, I’ll probably just go back to Snapseed, unless one of those is a standout for design, privacy, power and simplicity.

    I actually really enjoy mobile editing in Lightroom, the only mark it misses now is privacy.

    I have LR installed on my laptop, but never use it. Obviously, there are drawbacks. I wouldn’t want to draw paths in Photoshop on my phone, but for quick crops and color corrections, I work faster and more efficiently on my phone. I also can do it in my spare moments, rather than sitting down to dedicate an evening to editing.