I am now using disroot . I don’t care about anonymity or anything as I just wanna use it to connect to my bank, ID and buy/book shit etc. Which all have my phone number, address, name etc anyway so no point in that . I just want the security privacy to be good enough that no one can easily hack it, steal my OTP, inbox etc and I want it to be big and trusted enough that they won’t sell it/sell it and go Scott free also gmail asks email or phone number for verification and then brick acc if I don’t comply so I’d like to skip those kind of ones . Is disroot enough for my uses ? Also I’d like a free one as I barely use emails like 3 or 4 times a year .

  • Scolding0513
    4 months ago

    they are known for being used for bomb threats or 4chan weirdos. but yeah i wouldn’t use them for anything serious. you dont wanna have to say THAT email address over the phone to customer support of your bank or something lol.