• Brickardo
    54 days ago

    What a based man. As a wise Spaniard once said, “Malditas sean las guerras y los canallas que las hacen”.

  • Uncaged_Jay
    -275 days ago
    4 days ago

    I understand being scared, but it would be hard for me to abandon my country in its time of need. Not for the government, but for the people that live there.

    ETA: quite a few down votes, no one explaining why though

    • Olhonestjim
      244 days ago

      There are plenty of reasons that make a person unsuited for combat besides fear. The unwillingness to kill another person is a big one. The awareness that you simply don’t have that kind of thing in you. Seriously, there’s no call for you to smear them like that.

        • ipkpjersi
          194 days ago

          As if those Ukranian men aren’t being forced into infantry when conscripted, give me a break. You really think they are given a choice what role they want?

          • Uncaged_Jay
            -134 days ago

            Ukraine has shown extensive combat effectiveness via their use of rocket propelled munitions, I’m sure more and more of these individuals will be trained on HIMARS and Patriot systems now that the US has permitted their use against targets inside of Russia

          23 days ago

          these aren’t people, these are monsters invading your homeland

          If you care so much, why don’t you go shed your blood for the nazis, collaborator?? But if I say the kind of shit you say about Russia, about settler-assed white Amerikans, bet my left eye you’d start getting up in arms about reverse racism, right? Go join your leader and the rest of the fascist horde he still ‘inspires’ to this day.

    • Floey
      174 days ago

      Why don’t you go fight instead of talking big.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind
      184 days ago
      4 days ago

      quite a few down votes, no one explaining why though

      It’s hard to take such declarations seriously over internet.

      • Uncaged_Jay
        -154 days ago

        Naturally war is bad, but you can’t stand and defend your own people?

        • Olhonestjim
          224 days ago

          Many people cannot, correct. And that does not reflect poorly upon them simply because you can’t understand it. That’s why boot camp weeds out so many people who volunteered but still can’t hack it. Many people don’t even realize they don’t have what it takes. And you think it’s a bad thing for wiser people to recognize it in themselves?

          • Uncaged_Jay
            -144 days ago

            I can’t conceive of someone so fearful of war that they’d willingly leave others out to dry in this fashion while hiding behind the forces of another nation.

              • Uncaged_Jay
                -124 days ago

                Perhaps, or perhaps people like this just aren’t the types of people I associate with

                • Olhonestjim
                  164 days ago
                  4 days ago

                  Well it seems like you think you know these people you claim you don’t know. For instance, you keep accusing them of being fearful, and that being the only reason you can think of why people would not be willing to go to war.

                  Can you think of no other reason why people would be unsuited for the military and combat? Because I assure you, boot camp weeds out people who volunteer, and that the military finds unsuitable. Do you think cowardice is the only thing they look for?

        • krolden
          13 days ago

          but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but

    • NecroParagon
      -44 days ago
      4 days ago

      I agree with you but I also understand why this is happening. I would be hard pressed to say I would be made out for military service even though I have great respect for those in the military. Cowardice is one reason and a very relatable one at that. To say people aren’t fleeing because of cowardice at all is naive. But to judge them for that is unfair. I think we all agree there.

      That being said, people in your comment chain aren’t taking into account the fact that the very fabric of the Ukrainian society is under threat of total eradication. Historically that brings out a higher calling in people to defend their own homes, their loved ones, and their neighbors.

      At any rate, the fleeing of these men bodes quite poorly for the future of us all.

      I’m tired of people acting like Ukraine isn’t holding back the fascist tide of Russian imperialism to the benefit of us all. If they were to give up today it would spell the end of their civilization, and a start to many great problems for the rest of us. Our peace is paid for in Ukrainian blood right now. Russia is sabotaging several foreign powers with intention to finish this genocide and expand the war. America, Germany, Sweden and elsewhere have been hit. And people act like we’re not going to have to put our own soldiers on the line at some point. And the less Ukrainians in the fight, the sooner that will be.

      Give me the downvotes. I’ve studied Russian history.

      Edit: I’d also like someone to give me an alternative to conscription in their case. I see no other option.

    • Jimmybander
      -244 days ago

      Cowardice. They won’t be welcome in the next country they flee to either.

  • LesserAbe
    -345 days ago

    When the country is doing stupid shit like invading Iraq I’m opposed to the draft. When it’s defending against an existential threat which is on native soil, I don’t have as much sympathy for people avoiding the draft.

    • REEEEvolution
      33 days ago

      When its past bad thing you were totally against it, when its current bad thing your support it. Liberals like you truely oppose every war of their empire but the current one.

      • LesserAbe
        -185 days ago

        Do you think there are situations where conscription is appropriate?

        • LarkinDePark
          225 days ago

          No. People should fight for what they believe in, not got someone else’s beliefs. If you can’t convince them then that’s your problem.

          • HumanPenguinEnglish
            -75 days ago

            Not disagreeing. More devils advocate.

            But are you basically saying if your home is attacked by another nation. One much larger and using draft to fill the ranks of attackers.

            You are happy to allow your leader to fail to convince people to save your and your family/childrens lives.

            Because at the end of it. That is why many folks support draft for a nation under attack.

            I personally always think it is best as a last resort. Trained full time pros are genrally better at the job. But in an attack like this the amount of work needed to build and manage defences needs a huge labour force. Even modern tech warfare needs huge labour.

            It is the idea that everyone needs the actions of these people to survive. That makes the vast majority express views like Ops original comment.

            • REEEEvolution
              33 days ago
              3 days ago

              One much larger and using draft to fill the ranks of attackers.

              So not Russia then. Because it only mobilized some of its reservists and did not send in conscripts.

            • LarkinDePark
              134 days ago

              But are you basically saying if your home is attacked You are happy to allow your leader to fail to convince people to save your and your family/childrens lives.

              How can expect anyone to take you seriously with this stupid shit?

    • CMDR_Horn
      405 days ago

      Ukraine allows for foreign volunteers. Feel free to help out.