• cerement
    273 months ago

    gin and tonic – safe, easy to make (doesn’t piss off the bartender), and isn’t sickly sweet

    • HootinNHollerin
      103 months ago
      3 months ago

      Bartender expects 25% tip on a grossly overpriced drink. They can make you whatever the fuck you want, and shouldn’t bitch.

  • flamingo_pinyata
    233 months ago

    Beer. I’m boring.

    And also I don’t want to get wasted, so something long with low alcohol does it for me.

    • dittyEnglish
      33 months ago

      Same. I’ll very occasionally do an Old Fashioned, Manhattan, or Mojito, but usually just an ale or lager

  • TheSlad
    193 months ago

    A gimlet, an old fashioned cocktail that a lot of bartenders have never even heard of before. Its a fun litmus test of the knowledge and skill of the bartender, and really tasty and refreshing if made right.

    Its just gin and lime syrup, about a 2 or 3 to 1 ratio, shaken with with lots of ice and served neat.

    • BricriuEnglish
      63 months ago

      Hail my gimlet brother! I’ve gotten back into these in a major way over the last couple of years for the exact same reasons.

    • kelvie
      13 months ago

      Isn’t this more of a litmus test of whether or not they have lime cordial in stock?

      • gerbler
        33 months ago

        Should be made with lime juice and simple syrup. Both ingredients every bar will have.

      • los_chillEnglish
        23 months ago

        You can make it to order with just lime juice and sugar. Never had a complaint.

      • TheSlad
        13 months ago

        I think its pretty standard stock in a bar, I’ve never had someone not have it. There are other drinks with lime flavor too.

    • otp
      53 months ago

      Water because anything else is too damn expensive

      • extremeboredom
        43 months ago

        That too, I can’t believe some of my friends bar tabs. Who drops a couple hundred bucks a night in this economy? Many people, that’s who.

  • jetEnglish
    163 months ago
    3 months ago

    Soda water. Because getting drunk isn’t on my agenda. But it fits the vibe and people think your having a vodka tonic or something

    • disguy_ovahea
      133 months ago

      Pro tip- you can get soda water with lime for the same price in most bars. Still looks like a g&t but with that vitamin C.

    • ZeratulEnglish
      113 months ago

      My go to alcohol impersonater is a non alcoholic beer. Gonna have to try your method though. Cheers 🥂

  • sunbeam60
    143 months ago
    3 months ago

    Old Fashioned, Whisky Sour, Gin and Tonic.

    Or beer. Then usually wheat beer if they have it.

    But I so rarely drink that’s literally once a year maybe; my dad is an alcoholic so it’s difficult to look at alcohol as something harmless.

  • KickMeElmo
    133 months ago

    Kamikaze, because somehow I almost always get it made differently (usually completely wrong). It’s comedic at this point watching a drink that simple turn out that weird. I’ve seen over a dozen variations, with the inclusion of muddled cherries being the weirdest.

    • normanwall
      73 months ago

      I asked for a scotch “neat” and the waitress brought it to the table and said “I put ice in it, just in case”

  • Captain AggravatedEnglish
    113 months ago

    If it’s a brewpub or similar, I tend to go for darker beers. And since the “All Craft Beers Are IPAs Now Act Of 2018 was signed into law I have just stopped going to brewpubs entirely.

    If you’re going to open a bottle or can for me it’s probably going to be cider, though I notice the ciders that bars tend to stock are trending in an acidic and heartburn inducing direction so I don’t walk in there as often anymore.

    I’ll order a neat bourbon unless it’s hot/I’ve been working hard then I’ll order a whiskey and coke.

  • dotslashmeEnglish
    93 months ago

    Diplomatico or Plantation rum neat. As to why, I just like it.

  • edric
    83 months ago

    I don’t drink much because I get red easily, so I don’t know a lot about drinks. What I do is ask the bartender to make me a fruity drink with half the alcohol (usually vodka), then nurse that drink as long as I can. It’s nice because I get a different kind of drink every time.

  • Blastboom Strice
    73 months ago

    Sour cherry juice probably the most feequent. Though if there’s food, I’ll probably pick the food option.

    As for why, well, I don’t really go the bars for the drinks, but instead for the company, to talk with my friends and have fun. I buy a drink or food as “entrance fee” and I use the calories to keep me from starving. If there’s any fancy non-alcoholic/non-caffeinated drink (or food) I may pick it as a change. I also dislike alcohol and its culture which society tries to push so hard to everyone (especially younger people), thus it’s my way of acting agaist this. For me it doesnt taste well, it’s literary cancerous poison that helps mask social anxiety without solving the issue, only extending it and there are companies making huge profits by harming so many people out there. It’s sad. I want to be the one having fun, not alcohol. (Btw I’m not in favor of banning alcohol, this may only cause more issues. A proper approach would probably be to teach people for the issues and (possibly the hardest part) to have a better society without so many struggles which tend to push people to drink alcohol.)

    (I recently found out that there is a “straight edge” community inside punk community and I seem to kinda align with them :) (I’m not talking about the hardline community, I think this may not even be considered punk).)

    Lol, I don’t know if you expected a text-wall when asking this, but well, there you are.😅

  • scoobford
    73 months ago

    Nice bar: whatever menu cocktail or specialty product looks good.

    Okay bar: Amaro/mezcal if they have it, gin/rum if they don’t.

    Not very good bar: beer or cider

    Bad bar: bottle beer. No cans, mixers, or taps, and well pours only if truly desperate.