President Joe Biden could make a decision within days whether to remain a candidate for reelection, said Hawaii’s governor who participated in a recent meeting with Biden and other Democratic governors and whose family has known the president for years.

And if Biden decides not to run, Hawaii Gov. Josh Green told The Associated Press on Saturday that he believes the president will designate Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the ticket.

Green, who was a physician on Hawaii’s Big Island before he was elected governor, said everyone has parents or grandparents who have moments that aren’t that great or pauses in their ability to express themselves clearly. But, he added, they aren’t discarded because of their experience, wisdom and their role in the family.

Green was quick to point out that Trump is only three years younger than Biden and both will have bad days going forward. But he argued that temperament is more important than age.

“For God’s sake, these two guys have to hold the nuclear codes, Green said. “I don’t want someone who tweets in the middle of the night and rages at other countries. That is not good. That’s not the problem we have with President Biden.

  • Flying Squid
    3 months ago

    Fine. Then who? Who has a chance of beating Trump that is also willing to run?

    • Snot FlickermanEnglish
      3 months ago
      3 months ago

      This is the question that everyone saying Biden should drop out can’t seem to answer.

      I don’t like our choices here either, but I’m not so foolish as to think having the party choose another candidate for us is gonna save us.

      This is the party that consistently won’t listen to its own voter base and keeps putting up unpalatable centrists like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.

      People think the party that keeps snatching defeat from the jaws of victory will somehow make a good choice this late in the game? As if.

      Also, who is really going to be happy with the party choosing for us anyway? The best they could give would to be allow delegates to choose a new candidate at the convention but delegates are not regular voters, they are party apparatchiks. They will only choose another bland centrist corporate-friendly Democrat, like always. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it etc. There is no progressive lightning rod that will excite ALL Democrat voters waiting in the wings. There just isn’t and we need to stop pretending there is.

      Biden is who we have, and we can accept it, even if we don’t like it or we can accept that this is our last real “free” election ever.

      • ShepherdPie
        3 months ago

        He was given answers and decided to move the goal posts onto something else. If Trump gets elected again, the blame is going to fall on party leadership and the sycophants who blindly support them.