• rottingleafEnglish
    3 months ago
    3 months ago


    PSP-2008 (slim) is the best IMHO, fewer things to break mechanically, immortal buttons, big enough for my clumsy hands.

    and they gave all the big title game releases to absolute garbage company’s like Nihilistic who have now renamed themselves several times because they make pure trash so they have to .

    We-ell, I played a few Star Wars games on it, and some more. Would like plain Battlefront II there, though. And playing KotOR II: TSL on PSP lying in grass in summer in sunny windy weather would be glorious.

    Sony kill switch

    That’s the company that would distribute trojans on official CDs.

    One of the reasons I was sympathetic to Apple at some point (EDIT: in the sense that them being malicious didn’t frighten me off) was that I liked PSP and Sony was just as bad. Then I realized that Apple simply doesn’t offer anything interesting though. Eh, neither did Sony after PSP.