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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Alue42toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs it ethical to eat fish?
    8 months ago
    8 months ago

    if something doesn’t have a concept of ethics, that doesn’t make its unethical actions unethical. If it did, teaching ethics would be unnecessary

    Have you taken an Ethics class? You don’t learn one set of rules for life and then you are done (boy, life would be so easy if that were the case!!). You learn Kantian philosophy, Consequentialism, Deontology, Utilitarianismjust to name a few. You learn how philosophy comes in to play and how to recognize the patterns. Knowing these can relate to understanding where someone (or in this discussion, the bear/fox/deer/etc) places it’s moral compass to better understand it’s viewpoint. The bear may not understand ethics, but it still has a moral compass that you can tease out.

    So the question remains: What power holds these species’ moral compasses? Does a bear/fox/deer/etc hold their own moral compass? If so, how do we know what they consider to be moral in order for these actions to be morally questionable? Or are you holding your morals up to them?

  • Alue42toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs it ethical to eat fish?
    8 months ago

    I truly have never heard that response!

    What power holds these species’ moral compasses? For many people it’s their god or their religion (which could be Gaia/earth), for others it’s others around them, for others including me it’s themselves.
    Does a bear/fox/deer/etc hold their own moral compass? If so, how do we know what they consider to be moral in order for these actions to be morally questionable? Do they hold themselves to your morals (ie, others comparing themselves to those around them), or are you holding your morals up to them?

  • What about when wearing (really good) noise cancelling head phones? Everything you’ve mentioned is when there is some sort of noise going on, but it’s it also happening with everything cancelled out? A few people have pointed out Auditory Pareidoilia which is your brain trying to find words/pattern/meaning in the noise it is hearing, but is it also doing that when the only sound it can hear is it’s own blood whooshing though your veins, which it should be used to? What about in a sensory deprivation tank?

    There’s Hearing - which is what the all the tiny bits of your ears connected to the nerves do, then there’s Perception - which is how your brain interprets the information it receives from the nerves connected to your ears and puts it back together. Basically, your brain is working overtime to try to figure out why you are listening to the noise you are listening to. As long as it’s only happening in those situations described and, as others have said, it’s not voices telling to do anything.

  • Alue42toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs it ethical to eat fish?
    8 months ago
    8 months ago

    I was showing that your statements are incorrect. That hunting is not a necessity because we are omnivores. But it’s not a necessity for the bear either, they are also omnivores.

    Therefore, is hunting off the table for us? Both of your statements “eat meat to survive” and “eat x exotic animal” have been proven extreme false hyperboles that don’t relate to the question at hand.

  • Alue42toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs it ethical to eat fish?
    8 months ago

    Ok, but what you said tried to toe the line while actually using absolute hyperboles to prove neither point.

    Keep in mind we live in a world where it’s normal to go from “we need meat to survive” to “let’s eat X exotic animal that absolutely doesn’t have to be the one to sustain us”.

    We actually don’t need meat to survive. While there are species that are indeed obligate carnivores or ones that whose digestive system is more efficient with meat proteins, we are omnivores. It’s even been shown that body builders and athletes can sustain themselves on a vegan diet.

    “let’s eat X exotic animal that absolutely doesn’t have to be the one to sustain us”.

    While some people get a thrill out of eating the highly illegal species, turning new species into a new food item can be a boon to conservation. Lionfish never used to live in the Florida Keys, then one popped up, then a handful, then all the sudden they were taking over whole reefs and the native species had no where to live. There was no way to get rid of them, they hide under the outcroppings of the reefs, they can’t be caught on a line, no gillnetting, they have to be speared which is NOT easy as government operation or some sort of eradication program. Finally, it caught on how delicious they are and the area started teaching people how to handle the spines and the filet around the venom glands in order to cook them, and it took off like crazy and everyone was in the water to get them! The population hasn’t declined, but it’s somewhat leveled so the local marine species can at least get a toehold again.

    And this isn’t the only species with a story like this. So taking on exotic species (plant and animal) in your diet can indeed be a good thing for conservation.

    But, the point is I asked if hunting was off the table for us as a species despite it occurring in nature, and if so was it due to our intellect? You responded with hyperboles on both ends that don’t provide an answer.

  • Alue42toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs it ethical to eat fish?
    8 months ago
    8 months ago

    The only reason it hasn’t caught on is because they are very difficult to catch (spear) and even more difficult to prepare (venom glands). They are unbelievably delicious, but even so, I’m not going to trust a chef a don’t know to be sure he didn’t pierce one of those glands while preparing it. I’ll trust myself or one of my friends that I no for 100% certain can do it right. So even though a handful of restaurants were offering it in the Keys and Miami, you’ll really see people catching it themselves and preparing it just to be sure.

  • Alue42toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs it ethical to eat fish?
    8 months ago
    8 months ago

    He’s my conundrum with that. Other species will not go after animals that are close to death. I’ve worked with a lot of wild animals. The thinking is that if it is dead or close to death they will leave it to the scavengers since they don’t want to risk contracting whatever killed it. Bears, eagles, so many animals are going to hunt healthy fish - bears specifically go after the salmon about to spawn and pass on their genes.

    Hunting is part of nature, and not just with fish.

    I understand the issue with industrialized/commercial kills, but is hunting also off the table in your train of thought? I mean this as a genuine question, not an attack, I know tone of voice is often lost through text.

    Is hunting/fishing off the table for us as the species with higher intellect? We do not have as robust immune systems as the scavengers of nature do, so waiting for things to be in a position near death is worrisome to me. Whereas hunting/fishing (again, not the industrialized practice, but individual) is how conservation of species was born by developing species limits and it’s how some species levels continue to be kept in check (for instance, invasive lion fish in the US South East)

  • Alue42toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs it ethical to eat fish?
    8 months ago

    You are deliberately not answering the question.

    “If every person that ate fish was out there exactly - they purchase fish caught commercially because either they don’t know how to catch their own fish or they don’t have access to catch their own fish (access either with time, money, or physically). Commercial fishing solves that by precisely doing it “at scale a lot more efficiently” as you pointed out and ships the fish to where people will purchase it.

    I didn’t ask “what if everyone went out and did it themselves”

    I asked your thoughts on people who DO fish for themselves, or those using traditional fishing practices.

  • Alue42toAsklemmy@lemmy.mlCommuting across timezones
    8 months ago

    Completely depends on the project. For general, everyday work, I’ll go out for a day or two once every two or three weeks. For something that needs more detail or collaboration, I’ll go out for a week and then not go back for a month or five weeks. If I’m working on a project outside of my normal office (I mentioned Guam and Amsterdam, but I’ve had projects elsewhere, too), I’ll work from home while I can and then travel there for two to three weeks and during that time I wouldn’t travel to my actual office for months.

  • Alue42toAsklemmy@lemmy.mlCommuting across timezones
    8 months ago
    8 months ago

    Way back in college (20ish years ago) I had a friend that was living on the Illinois/Indiana boarder. He lived in Indiana but went to college in Illinois, so he was going to school in one time zone and working in another. To make matters worse, in those days Indiana had some counties that observed daylight savings and some that didn’t. So he had to keep track of what shift he was on for work in his own county and if it was daylight savings or not, and in case he was making plans with any friends in other counties or just going to stores or appointments or anything, and what times he had to go to class in the other time zone. He says there were days he would show up places three hours late even though he only lived 20 minutes away because he didn’t realize time had sprung forward and he had his watch set on the wrong state.

    This was before smartphones, and I think the state has done away with that partially observing the time switch thing.

    Personally, I’m a SuperCommuter and commute long distances for work, but only occasionally. So I’ll live on the West Coast but my office is on the East Coast, so I think in office time. For me, 4am is 7am because that’s what time it is for the rest of my team. Occasionally I’ll have to set my internal clock to Guam Time or Amsterdam Time for a couple weeks at a time until a project is done, and it makes it much easier when I fly out there because my brain is already on that rhythm.

  • The article says “for individual therapy”, so Russia is likely working on the same personalized “vaccines” that other researchers have been working on for quite some time - ones that utilize the individual patient’s immune system to attack the specific cancer. Not something that everyone would go out and get immunized against. This isn’t mind-blowing, but if you were Putin wouldn’t you want to put it some positive news right now too?