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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • ChocoboRockettoAndroid@lemmy.worldSamsung wants future phones to have no Settings menu at allEnglish
    15 hours ago
    14 hours ago

    I fully hear you and agree.

    Every 5 days there’s a software update, for something that just changes one or two things slightly - but rarely if ever is it an improvement.

    Oh, you want to do this simple thing you were able to easily do 3 days ago?

    Now you have to change 4 nondescript settings, use 3 separate hotkey commands, watch a YouTube video, and troubleshoot for hours to get a once basic function to preform correctly.

    I’d bet that the AI system will be used exclusively to identify + paywall things you’ll want/need to use your phone.

    seems like you want volume control, based on your history you want 1% volume. Subscribe to" basic functions" package to unlock a volume option. Upgrade to “basic functions premium” for up to 5 volume adjustments a week!

    Still not enough AI control? The “basic functions unlimited” fully unlocks both volume buttons and for a limited time unlocks the spacebar for 5 minutes an hour from midnight to 6am!

  • Killing education is definitely a big part of it, but controlling every news source in huge areas and pumping outright lies and disinformation 24/7 can eventually break down anyone living in that environment.

    These people desperately cling to hierarchy. Bad people go to jail, good people don’t.

    These people never hear about Trump being bad, and only see him slip though the law effortlessly.

    All they see is Trump being innocent and not getting in trouble at all, ever, for anything. Half of all politics and nearly all Media hide or obfuscate Trump’s insanity and incompetence.

    So many voters see a president everyone they know and talk to adores, getting dragged by Democrats to no effect.

    “If he was guilty he’d be in Jail, but since he’s not in jail Democrats must be liars and everything Republicans say about him is true.

    Easy, thoughtless conclusions that reinforce their worldview and solidify them as supremely correct.

    Now, they’ll certainly move the goalposts once he is in Jail, because they will also never admit they were wrong about anything because if they’re wrong about Trump, they’re wrong about their entire worldview and that’s something they are not mentally able to do.

  • This is very true, especially around mid game.

    There are significantly more quests than you need to advance levels and eventually you get level 30+ having done all the side quests and there will be several unfinished missions for recommend level 7-20 that become worthless unless the story/character behind it interests you.

    Definitely grind early missions as they are basically tutorials and also give you lore on all the factions, don’t worry too much about gold as you will rarely be able to buy weapons better than what you find.

    By mid game you’ll have tons of access to loot for selling and will probably be more interested in spending money on refining/upgrading items than buying mediocre armor and weapons.

    The bombs and oils are great if you keep them upgraded

    Never sell ingredients you don’t have a billion of, you can buy a potion to redistribute your levels and switching from magic/physical build to late game Alchemist is really strong and fun and changes up play style.

  • And then everything too big to fail! Too big to fail = too big.

    It’s not like the knowledgeable people, or systems/infrastructure all disappear if a business fails. Business is basically a bunch instructions for people moving a bunch of shit around for money. Literally nothing about it is so unique it cannot be reproduced.

    And then also Physically split up Elon, billionaires need to learn how to exist in a society of laws and consequences instead of above it.

  • Immigration has nothing to do with housing or job markets?

    Are you suggesting that the fundamental principles of supply and demand don’t count because immigration =/= the ruling class?

    You have 0 reading comprehension my friend, I’m also fairly left leaning and anti establishment which is plain as day in my comments.

    Definitely must be frustrating to try and (wrongly) attack someone objectively left leaning and anti establishment for being right wing.

    Also, what was your portrait of Canada growing up? Exclusively hockey, Donuts, bad coffee, and free healthcare? That’s all the national pride/identity you’ve ever had?

  • Man, I love it when people stop reading after finding one of their trigger phrases.

    Try reading the entire comment next time.

    Don’t know why I’m wasting my time writing more stuff you won’t read, so I’ll just call you a dummy now before you fully stop reading this comment too.

    1. growing up I always felt Canada was a peacekeeping nation that helped people out and gave people struggling from war/oppression a safe place to live and become a part of the Canadian tapestry. America brought war and bombs while Canada brought hockey, donuts, a warm coat, and bad coffee. Polite, warm, and welcoming were definitely part of the Canadian identity and a source of our superiority to America.

    I myself am a first generation Canadian, so yeah - kind of a fan of immigration, even if my homeland is arguably better than Canada.

    1. literally every other part of my original comment directly stated immigration was being used to suppress wages and it exclusively benefits employers to the downfall of everyone. And that it’s not the fault of immigrants, but broken politics favoring wealthy interests.

  • They’ll just import people in from around the world to replace lagging birthrate.

    Overall birthrate is expected to peak around 2080 so there’s still plenty of time to shuffle people around!

    In Canada we used to have a serious immigration policy that was part of the Canadian identity, and now we’re literally flooding the country with people almost exclusively from 1-2 countries with no qualifications required.

    The workforce collectively lost significant bargaining leverage as millions of desperate people continue to saturate job markets and suppress wages.

    Plenty of jobsites have no oversight regarding certification, so even educated people lose out because it’s cheaper to train a desperate person on the job and pay them next to nothing/under the table instead of hiring an educated workforce with labor rights and who expect a wage that reflects their abilities.

    For what it’s worth, I know plenty of educated people who are awful at their jobs too. This isn’t anti-immigration, it’s acknowledgement that immigration is being used to suppress everyone’s wages to the exclusive benefit of employers.

    So even if all the Western countries get border walls with 100% coverage and catch rates, western governments everywhere will happily throw open the gates for cheap labour regardless of public opinion

  • I don’t particularly think his supporters matter, as they are mostly sheep and not one of the main facisim roots.

    It’s the fact that more than half of America’s entire media apparatus is entirely behind Trump.

    They dominate airwaves and have entire control over several local information ecosystems allowing them to brainwash entire populations with wall-to-wall propaganda that is completely aligned in its message of refuting and obfuscation of reality.

    Regardless if the people are racist, scared, simple minded, trained to blindly accept specific authority or whatever, is mostly irrelevant in a society with journalistic integrity, and a non-corporate/private interest owned media.

    It’s no surprise that some people believe outrageous, impossible, contradictory, claims when every reality authority available to you exclusively tells you coordinated lies.

  • Yeah, but you put a quarter in their shopping carts guys! What an organized and crime free society guys.

    Their subway is super clean guys we can’t compete with freedom like that guys.

    Guys, Tucker said groceries are cheaper than America, guys. We’ve been duped into thinking life is OK guys. But also lowering prices in America is also communism guys. Russia has literally the least communist history guys, America is the real Marxist guys.

    Trust me guys, American freedom has nothing on Ruzzian freedom guys. All of the benefits with literally 0 drawbacks guys, it’s insane how little consequences there are to living in Ruzzia guys.

    There’s nothing more free than a brutally oppressive police state run by a dictator guys, it’s the secret recipe for freedom guys. Trust me bro.

  • Yeah, but I assume the entire plane isn’t running the original 24 year old parts.

    You can install new shit correctly, but if that shit was made by Boeing, then every time shit got replaced it likely got replaced with worse shit.

    Eventually all the good Boeing shit gets replaced by okay shit and that gets maintained with mediocre shit.

    Eventually some shit breaks and the backup shit is also shit so the shitty redundancies don’t actually do shit because Boeing has been non-stop shitting for decades, and then all the shit finally hits the fan and that is currently where Boeing is at.

    There’s a ton of shit and a lot of fans, so we’ll be seeing this same stories play out for a long time

  • ChocoboRockettoGames@lemmy.worldGod of War Ragnarök - PC Launch TrailerEnglish
    27 days ago
    27 days ago

    Fair enough, I assumed you gamed on both and stopped for PS5 because they made PSN mandatory and I somehow was unaware.

    Can’t justify a gaming PC when PS4 pro was pretty cheap and my gaming hours are not what they used to be

    I can justify a not so new console every 5 or so years as they hit my value for money sweet spot, and reduced gaming hours due to life

    But the upfront cost for a decent rig to replace consoles entirely is not what I want to use my money for (for now!)

    Can’t wait to finally make the jump though!