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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023

  • I think the “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” idea is overstated, most people I interact with have a somewhat negative outlook on the economy and their future wealth.

    I think the real issue is that no viable alternative is presented to most people.

    The alternatives presented are Russian-style authoritarian oligarchy, Islamofascism, or a Venezuela-style “socialism” in which the narrative only focuses on poverty.

  • You’re obviously right, Trump is worse.

    But it’s hard to deny the cold reality of your comment: You are openly supporting a politician who you admit is genocidal, and you are getting upvoted for it.

    The “lesser of two evils” logic continues to deteriorate the quality of our candidates and their responsiveness to the wishes of the American people.

    Do you see a way, in the future, to break out of this “lesser of two evils” death spiral? Or in 2032 will you be supporting Zombie Reagan(D) because he is less evil than Zombie Hitler®?

  • You know what, you’re right. You’ve convinced me to put my hope in press releases.

    Biden sent out many press releases about a public option before he was elected, so I’ll put my hope in him and stop paying my health insurance premiums.

    Obama similarly sent out many press releases about holding climate change below 1.5 degrees and codifying Roe v Wade. What a relief! Now I don’t have to worry about climate change or women’s reproductive rights anymore!

  • Policy is what matters. A public apology is just optics, and I only care about optics insofar as it affects policy.

    I was offering up a public apology as one way to help resolve her current hypocrisy on this issue. Harris’ current position seems to be something like “allow current and future cannabis consumption, but continue to brutally punish those who consumed cannabis in the past” and I find this deeply schizophrenic.

  • You’re right, no one really cares about a public apology. Just like this entire story, it’s only words.

    What really matters is advocacy for those nonviolent drug “offenders”. They deserve release from jail, an end to probation, an expungement of criminal records, and reparations for the losses they suffered.

    Kamala issuing a pro-legalization press release is the path of least resistance for her. If she actually stood on principle she would advocate to expunge the criminal records of all nonviolent drug offenders that her DA office prosecuted. But even that is just the words of a politician- what really matters is policy change.

  • If a politician actually changes their mind that’s fine. If they change their mind to become pro-cannabis legalization, that’s great.

    But they shouldnt try to gaslight the populace into believing that this was their stance all along.

    If this was Kamala’s position all along, then her actions as District Attorney are very hypocritical.

    If she actually had a change of heart, she should apologize to the nonviolent victims she chose to prosecute and incarcerate.