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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023

  • Researchers Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright, discovered that there are 5 social-process levels ( they misidentify as “stages”, but caterpillar-moth is stages, & reversible modes are not irreversible, as stages are ), & that conspiricism is produced in level2.

    They published a popular book, in order to get the core of their research into the understanding of people in organizations, where it could do the most good.


    • Level4 - WE are awesome, THEY are what we are competing against.

    • Level3 - Narcissism-culture. Doctors are the exemplars of it. It took me until my mid-50’s to realize that raised-by-medical-professionals syndrome IS raised-by-narcissists syndrome, even though I’d read a book identifying the entire pattern of damage in the children of such, back in the 1980’s ( sometimes I’m not quick ). Dad was a medical-researcher & a doctor. That insight is spot on. You want 2 independent proofs? 1. dress professionally well, a quality suit, & walk into any 4 hospitals ( averaging the results ), & count the percentage of lower-level people, including cleaning-staff, who are upright & meeting your gaze as equally-valid humans. None is likely to be the percentage: their validity has been disallowed/negated by medical-culture. 2. record video in clinics/hospitals, in the hallways, of people interacting, leaving-out any audio: video-only, & record it so it plays-back in slow-motion. When you watch it in slow-motion, because your unconscious won’t be automatically-hiding the class-establishing bodylanguage, due to the wrong-speed, you should be able to see the narcissism body-language screaming from doctors. The 1st time I became conscious of it, it was stunning, and my having never seen it, in decades, shaming.

    • Level2 - Subject-to-narcissism’s-dominion culture. Conspiricism breeds in this level.

    • Level1 - gangs/inmates/nihilism culture. Mass shootings. Manufactured into inmates, manufactured into gang-members, etc. This has the motivation & the leverage to butcher the whole of the rest. Notice that there were over 600 mass-shootings in the US in 2023, and that homelessness is skyrocketing, simultaneously That isn’t “mere coincidence”. Given the political-dominion “solutions” being enacted there, the percentage of the population in Level1 is going to be significantly increasing, with all the consequences of that.

    Those who are helplessly subjugated beneath narcissism’s dominion, are likely to become conspiricist, exactly as Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright identified.

    Actually, it’s natural.

    IF prohibited from being validly-human, THEN become some other kind of validity, ( “displacement” is it called, in psychology? ), and being “the conspiricist who gets information 1st is a kind of validity that can exist in the level beneath narcissism’s dominion.

    Since validity’s a basic & fundamental unconscious-mind need, this is going to happen.


  • Obviously, it depends on how one defines science:

    IF science is defined partly by declaring that awareness isn’t real, then it has already divorced reality.

    Awareness produces effects, like cities, and couldn’t do-so if it weren’t real.

    Awareness is immaterial, so physicalism prohibits/contempts it being real, but physicalism must also prohibit/contempt entanglement being real, because it isn’t physical, either.


    IF one draws the lines so that ALL the phenomena in Universe that cause results get included, THEN yes, science can discover absolute truth about some aspects of Universe.

    However, if one draws the lines so that ideology/prejudice decides what is real, then no, nothing can make that work right.

    The most important understanding is in Hofstadter’s “Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid”, where he hammers it into one, how self-consistent-formal-systems are mind-blind to ALL outside them.

    That is a feature of the things, as Godel’s Theorem of Incompleteness proved.

    All who don’t understand that ( & much/most of Western Philosophy rejects it, as “Slight of Mind” is one, of many many many, examples demonstrating ) simply aren’t competent in the Philosophy they’re believing they’re doing.

    ( seriously: read GEB, then try reading Slight of Mind, which contradicts/ignores/denies GEB, & ask yourself which is truer: the math, or the ideology which rejects the math )

    _ /\ _

  • Child-onset schizophrenics lose 10% of their brains ( this has been known since the 1920’s, so doctors rejecting that it is brain-injury, & remaining adamant that it is “illness of mind” of the child, has been gaslighting the subjects/patients for an entire century, and I’d found a PubMed paper which admitted that it had been known since the 1920’s, so it isn’t just Google Scholar that said such is the case ).

    A researcher named Thompson, iirc, did mapping of the brain-loss process, showing where the cortex loses 20%, where it loses 15%, etc, down to 5%, vs where no tissue-loss appeared.


    He said it took 5y for the wave of brain-loss to go through, & it looked like a slow-motion “forest fire”.

    It may simply be that people born-blind have more spare-brain to repurpose, so they don’t get the mental-illness symptom from the brain-loss wave.

    Whereas kids with all their brain being at-its-limit, and then being brain-decimated, they are psychically-butchered.

    Notice that recently somebody published that living with cats doubles the child-onset schizophrenia-rate, so toxoplasmosis is implicated in the brain-injury/brain-loss, too.

    Interesting angle

    Thank you for posting this, eh?

    _ /\ _

  • ParagonetoGeospatial@mander.xyzCopernicus Interactive Climate AtlasEnglish
    8 months ago

    That rocks:

    Being able to set it at +4 ( historical evidence puts us WAAAAY above that, with our current CO2-levels, alone, even while ignoring methane ),

    and change it to showing number-of-days-per-year-above-40C and Texas, California, Brazil, ALL of Saharan Africa, some southern Africa, the Middle East, India, most of Australia, etc, turn dark red.

    Looks like a bloodbath, given how we the species “deal with” such pressures with bullets fired against the lives of “other” populations

    Very interesting resource, that.

    Too bad they stop it at +4, instead of accepting the historical evidence putting it higher than that.

    Here’s the historical-facts paper which puts us above +5C right now, without including the methane 1.3ppm to 1.4ppm ( use an 82.5x multiplication-factor to convert methane to 20y CO2 equivalent )

    They’re using a powerlaw:

    • Evolution of global temperature over the past two million years

    • https://www.nature.com/articles/nature19798

    • 280ppm + ( 280 * 2^(1/9) ) == +1C

    • 280ppm + ( 280 * 2^(2/9) ) == +2C

    • and so-on: a doubling of CO2 produces +9C.

    with the current added-methane, you get between +8C & +9C for current-atmosphere’s composition, which makes stopping-at-+4C idiotic.

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  • ParagonetoScience@mander.xyzWhy are we nice? Altruism’s origins are put to the test
    8 months ago
    8 months ago

    “access through your institutions”

    So, I’m blocked from reading it.

    EDIT: Found an alternative, I think:


    No matter.

    1. Wasp-researchers in the Americas ( don’t remember if central or south, sorry ) discovered that altruism is generalized mothering.

    IF there isn’t much need for mothering in this nest, THEN go provide mothering in other nests, even-though wasps are aggressively competitive critters according to them.

    This isn’t the version I’d read before, but it’s the same research:


    That is 1 evidence-based-science identifying altruism’s root.

    1. AwakeSoulism/Buddhism has been insisting that altruism is generalized mothering for 25 consecutive centuries, and the phrase “all our kind mothers” meaning all other Souls/Continuums who’re lavishing lessons on us, is the current rendition of that ( though Buddhism’s people often forget to differentiate between the local person/mind vs the eternal Continuum that currently is trapped in an individual-life/incarnation )

    1. In the Abrahamic religions, they have a story in Genesis, where women “ate of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good & Evil”, which means Morality, and having eaten Morality, they shared it with men.

    Mothering the root of it, again.

    Of course, religious-men twisted the text to mean that women were “guilty” of “sin” and used that to justify mysogyny for many many millenia, but what should one expect of male-supremacism, when its too-fragile ego feels threatened?

    History, Western, Eastern, doesn’t suggest that we should expect honest integrity of it, obviously.

    ( the literally millions of women who were forced to die in India due to that male-supremacism, iirc 1 census pegged it at 30,000,000-ish missing women, and that number wouldn’t have gone down recently

    the selective-abortion-of-female-foetuses/babies, in order to protect male-supremacism, including the Chinese woman who died while aborting her 4th or 6th or something daughter, because her husband wanted a son to be their only or 1stborn child

    it isn’t just China that selectively exterminates girl-lives, the West shows the same thing, & as a Jewess pointed-out, nobody in Jewish culture celebrates the birth of a girl: only boys.

    The Catholic inquisition’s holocausting of women

    Hatred of female-lives & female-validity seems to be a deep current throughout humankind’s diverse cultures, for millenia. )

    3 different views into ancient psychology, and all-3 identify mothering as being the root of altruism

    That seems a trend

    _ /\ _

  • ALL power-minorities, women, Indigenous, battered people, homeless people, autistics, the same is true.

    Power-majority is self-centered, aka narcissistic.

    That is the default.

    “majority RULE means minority over-ruled/bullied, inherently.

    Look at how a story in the Abrahamic religions scripture, on how women ate “the fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil” which means they ate Morality got turned, by the power-majority into hating-on women for their “sin”.

    Women ( mothering ) ate of morality & shared it with men.


    Researchers studying wasps in the Americas discovered that altruism is generalized-mothering, Buddhism perceived the same underlying-principle 25 consecutive centuries ago, the correct reading of that story in Genesis stated so, but the male-supremacism deformed the meaning until bullying women became religious-law for millenia

    Many years ago, in the 1990’s, there were the Internet FAQs.

    The Feminism FAQ of that time identified that there was a category-difference between early White feminists & early Black feminists:

    White feminists wanted to be included in the White privilege that males had. They wanted their half of White entitlement.

    Black feminists, being bullied both for being women & for being Black, wanted something completely different: they wanted the abuse to be forced to unexist.

    That is evidence ( my life corroborates it ) that our unconscious, when bullied in 1 dimension, wants to be included in the power-majority group, but when bullied in 2+ dimensions ( each individual may have a different threshold ), then the underlying problem with bullying-itself is understood by one’s unconscious, and it becomes removing bullying’s rule that one’s unconscious understands to be the problem.

    It isn’t leaving women, Indiginous people, homeless people, etc, fucked-over, while fixing it for 1 subgroup, that is going to make humankind viable, it is dismantling abuse-archy for all that can.

    IF we earn it.

    in time.

    _ /\ _

  • EVERY time one’s gut gets borked simply take a good probiotic with a mild meal ( that the good microbes will like ), and in about 2+h your gut is fixed.

    Look for a probiotic with multiple Bifido strains & multiple Lactobacillus strains & Subtilis if you can find that too ( there is a PubMed item on how adding Subtilis to agricultural animals reduced their sickness/infection rate, and since we’re mammals too, I’m presuming that we work similarly )

    Also use a probiotic after any course of antibiotics, to fix-up one’s gut.

    I’m old, and find I need the things more frequently, now: even too-much salt in a meal can wreck my gut, but if I’m careful, then I don’t need the help.

    _ /\ _

  • Salt-resistant stainless-steel is the 316/316L steels & the 317/317L steels.

    ( the L versions are low-carbon, which means they can be welded & the low-carbon won’t create carbon-rich defects in the welds )

    Salt-resistant aluminum is 5052 aluminum ( low-copper. iirc )

    normal cheap aluminum kitchenware is Commercially Pure aluminum, not alloy.

    I’ve no idea what percentage of aluminum food-contact things are made with alloys, but it wouldn’t be that much, I don’t think?

    Nobody bothers using those salt-safe alloys for making kitchen stuff, because there’s no market-pressure to do-so.

    ( those stainless steels are costly, & 5052’s used mostly for boats/marine/nautical stuff )

    Therefore, using salt in the other alloy bowls/pots/pans does release metals ( including nickel or/and chromium ) into one’s diet or/and ecology.

    I won’t add salt to normal “stainless” pots or pans because of that: it can get added after, even-though that’s a harsher taste.

    _ /\ _

  • AI could be beneficial for poorer nations, somebody warns.

    AI could be harmful for poorer nations, somebody warns.

    BOTH are true statements, and it comes down, entirely, to implementation ( & regulation of implementation ).

    Corruption rules this world, however, and expecting anything other-than corruption, of money-driven-medicine ( there’s a book named that, if someone wants to read up on such things ), is idiotic.

    FLOSS medical diagnostic software may compete well, however, IF evidence-based-medicine is permitted to compete against authority-based-medicine.

    ( https://www.edge.org/response-detail/25433 is an article that got turned into a chapter of one of John Brockman’s books, on authority-based medicine.

    That book is named “This Idea Must Die”, and some of the chapters in that book I agree with.

    However, rather-than giving-up on evidence-based medicine, I’d rather dig-in & break authority-based medicine’s gaslighting, eventually breaking authority-based medicine, itself, leaving only evidence-based medicine. : )

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  • The commenter who identified that we’re now able to eliminate radiowave-broadcast communications, via lasers ( & fiberoptics, etc ), is spot-on.

    There is another angle, though.

    Imagine a simplified-model of civilization

    a batch of 7 newborn-babies, instead of hundreds of genetically-distinct populations in Africa

    those 7 babies live in “eden”.

    they learn that they can consume everything they want, that doesn’t harm them.

    they learn that they have to be somewhat self-moderating, because others fight them when one crowds the other, too much.


    they move away from each-other, & some lose their skin-pigment, others change it

    an empire forms, in-which industry is the rule ( the Roman empire ).

    Now a momentum is set in-place, that is making the sequence of the Industrial-Revolutions inevitable

    at the time of the Roman Empire, the children are, say, 11yo.

    at the time of the Industrial Revolutions, they are in puberty, their brains forced into chaos, & ALL sorts of new force-multiplying technologies landing in their hands

    So, what is The Great Filter?

    What happens when it is unconscious-toddler-mind, or unconscious-adolescent-who-never-got-challenged, who has all the world-snuffing technologies that we now have, but who has the global-responsiblity-level of drunk & drugged narcissistic children

    Say you have 7 kids going into The Great Filter, representing the whole populations-sea of our world

    Say only 1 of them survives The Great Filter

    Are they going to be CAREFUL in what they do, technologically, from then on??


    I don’t expect more than about 1.5% of this planet’s population to survive this century’s TANTRUM/POGROM that has narcissism-roots, politics-roots, religion-roots, food-insecurity-roots ( like total collapse of the terrestrial & marine food-webs, later this century ), etc.

    Will the remnant who survive this century, if any do, be as careless with technology as we currently are??

    How could they be?

    If The Great Filter is an automatic force-growing-up consequence of EVERY world-overwhelming-species, who mixes accommodated-immaturity with ecosphere-destroying technology, then whatever portion of worlds who reach The Great Filter have survivors of it, it’d be inherent in the survivors’ experience that they have been made careful.

    Same as you don’t find incapable-of-self-discipline in career-military-officers, you don’t find our murderous carelessness/ideological-rabies in any survivor of The Great Filter:

    Universe automatically force-extinguishes populations who won’t grow up, who gain the technological-leverage that we’ve gained.

    So, silence depicts a lack-of-carelessness AND an absence-of-need to be throwing-away-energy through radiowave broadcast, both.

    When combined, galactic silence makes much fundamental sense.

    We’re in our species’ “puberty” stage, and haven’t survived our force-growing-up Great Filter, yet.

    If we do, well, then finding others who also did, will make sense.

    If we won’t, then our epitaph will be that we wouldn’t grow-up, at ANY cost.

    _ /\ _

  • Some genes only work when got from a female parent, or from a male parent: iirc, that is called “imprinting”.

    Ttbomk, nobody knows why the effect happens.

    Screwing with things for curiosity’s sake is fine,

    so long as you are paying the price for the screwery, right?

    I’ll bet that using only-male-chromosomes/genes for making new human lives will have some dire health-consequences for the new life.

  • There are alternatives:


    MMT looks like it could be substituted, directly. Still nasty, but small usage, and removing lead & cadmium from our ecology should be high priority.

    And, of course, replacing avgas engines with diesels would do it, as they can run on Jet-A or whatever.

    This is all no-brainer territory.

    The established aviation-engine manufacturers won’t develop diesels,

    & the upstarts keep going broke

    the LiquidPiston X-Engine is the brilliantest aviation engine I’ve ever considered, turning a Wankel rotary inside-out,

    and the Astron Omega is insane ( I couldn’t understand how the hell ANYBODY could even think of that

    then I found out the inventor wasn’t a piston-engines guy, he was a turbine-engines guy

    which explains it! )

    I’d expect the IQ & life-potential of lives who grew-up near avgas-centric ( little ) airports to be damaged, consistently, by the lead.