Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • Prior to Quantum coming into the area, I was on Centurylink bonded vDSL. I got 140/25. The only reason I took that over the cox gigablast was because of the lack of data-cap. Higher speeds are useless if I can’t use that speed all the time. The vdsl was more useful at the slower speeds because I could max that lower speed out 24/7 for the whole month if I needed to. 140 at full bore was way more than the 1.2TB cap on coax (Cox is 1.28TB cap, which you can hit in about 3 hours at full speed The fuck is the point?)

    Though since then I’ve definitely grown into using much more bandwidth than I used to.

    I remember 10mbit thinnet though. Hope you didn’t lose the termination plugs. Connecting more than 2 computers together was awesome. The IPX lan games started nearly immediately. We definitely have come a long way. While 8/8 is definitely not needed for 99% of people out there the tired bullshit of 100/20mbps that most people seem to purchase and not even get is definitely not good enough.

  • You are wholly wrong.

    For one, constitutionally they have several additional powers that you neglected to outline, not just the one you provided. This also assumes that we’re talking about a president and vice-president who are hostile to each other and not actively working together, you know how it originally was when #1 vote became president and #2 became vice-president, which hasn’t been a thing in over 200 years now.

    For two

    Biden says: “She helped passed all the laws being employed now. She’s a major player in everything we’ve done. Including passes of legislation which we were told we could never pass”

    If she’s so “powerless” then why is the President stating that she’s been instrumental to passing all that legislation? You act like Biden wouldn’t/doesn’t listen to her. And if that is indeed what you’re asserting, then there’s no point in discussing anything further with you since the man himself said otherwise. Which does indeed include everything that he’s assigned to the vice-president over the years. I’m a bit too lazy to pull up all the cases where he’s said that himself I’m sure we can agree that it’s happened a few times though.

    The fact that you want to make some assumption that she has no power simply because the constitution doesn’t directly give her all that much in the form of power ignores the fact that Biden clearly relies on her quite heavily by his own admission. She has power. You’re bullshitting me and everyone who reads your post.

  • a Harris admin will ask hard questions about stuff like lol

    Harris is in power right now Literally as we speak and has several more months. This has been going on for months already. What makes you think she’s going to do anything when she hasn’t thus-far? I’ve seen at least a half-dozen articles on similar outcomes of “Elon’s technology is aiding Russia”. For well over a year now. If she hasn’t done jack shit about it for the past 12 fucking months and will not for the next 3 she’s still in power What in the ever living fuck makes you think she’s going to do anything about it at all?

    Edit: I recognize that Trump won’t do shit about it either. I’m not backing Trump here. Just finding it laughable that people think Kamala will either when she’s done nothing against it before.

  • You ran the ad hominem first buddy.

    Where? So we’re already at an impasse. My statement didn’t completely hinge on your obvious lack of familiarity with NYC. You ignored the whole argument and turned around and called me oblivious. My statement had no malice, yours clearly did. Welcome to the block-list since you want to be a jackass.

    So you learn for the future:

    Ad hominem is a Latin term for arguments that attack the person making a claim rather than the claim itself.

    I didn’t solely attack you. I pointed out your obvious lack of knowledge and then pointed out the actual underlying issues that prove your original statement incorrect. Your response was simply “Ignorant American!. Which was both factually wrong and a proper ad hominem. You addressed nothing further than your supposed attack on me. That’s what makes the fallacy.

    The simple fact of the matter is that having to resort to paying commercial parties for housing means the government missed the mark on allocating the funds to provide structural housing at much lower cost.

    There is “structural” housing, and even a significant amount of it in the NYC area. It’s all full up. It costs time and money to build more. And they don’t have time because the people are there now. You can’t just magic land, magic materials, magic builders, magic all the resources needed to build something in 1 day. And nobody is able to build at any speed to keep up with the breakneck amounts of crossings coming over the border looking for housing in NYC.

    So you can call it a waste, but the alternative is that the housing people need now will be available in many months. So everyone goes without in the meantime. And those numbers will never converge with the policies in place right now.

  • Where did I say left or right? I’m actually deeply aware that left and right are poor nomenclatures and SPECIFICALLY chose not to use it. Mostly because left and right are completely different in the US vs the EU. However, Red and Blue in the USA specifically reference a particular political party. Of which NYC is deep and dark blue, where-as upstate NY (typically a reference to anything that isn’t NYC and it’s surrounding metro area) is oftentimes Red.

    You claimed “small government”. That’s not what NYC is, not even close. It’s the Republican party that runs on “Small Government” (incorrectly). But that’s a moot point as NYC is Democrat.

    But at least thanks for proving that you’re talking about a topic you have no idea about. All you can do is run to ad hominem rather than actually discuss the problem.

    Side note: I’m a dual citizen and hold both US and EU passports. Tell me that I’m a “true american” again, most of the people I interact with in the USA certainly don’t hold the same point of view.

  • This is spoken as someone who thinks they know something about NYC.

    First off this article is actually about NYC, not the state of NY.

    NYC is WILDLY blue. And NYC is WILDLY complicated and huge from a government perspective. It’s so fucking large that the departments that are supposed to deal with specific policy/law can’t even advise you on any of it. Then a week later you’ll get a fine.

    Literally everything you think you said about NYS is opposite because it’s NYC.

  • I have 4 seed boxes I run on pia. My only issue is that the port changes from time to time. I have to check on them every week or so. It’s also one of the only court tested Vpns, though it did change hands after that

    Edit: Turns out the pia client has a bash accessible command to get the active port. And Qbittorrent has a curl-able target to set the value. One bash script and a crontab and now I don’t ever have to deal with the port changes anymore. You’re welcome leechers!

  • That’s like your opinion man. Good thing you’re not my doctor, nor my kids doctor.

    The victim has to know, and cannot possibly have the information required to “choose not to know”.

    Literally already been explained to you. Yes you can. If I don’t want to hear information from you, I can choose not to. Just like I will now. Welcome to the block-list! See how easy it is? Now you can choose to try to tell me all you want about your opinions and I won’t hear any of them! It’s like it’s a choice that I can make with all the free-will that I have.

    Several people have told you it’s possible. Even given you examples of cases where it exists. But you stick your fingers in your ears and scream all you want. I’m not listening anymore.

    Withholding medical information from patients without their knowledge or consent is ethically unacceptable. Physicians should encourage patients to specify their preferences regarding communication of their medical information, preferably before the information becomes available. Moreover, physicians should honor patient requests not to be informed of certain medical information or to convey the information to a designated proxy, provided these requests appear to genuinely represent the patient’s own wishes.

    American Medical Association says you’re full of shit.

  • Informed consent only occurs before the action.

    You cannot have informed consent on knowing about something that’s already happened to you that you should have been aware of. You can have informed consent on requests to tell you that information.

    And you can absolutely decline something without knowing what it is. I do it all the time. Phone numbers call me, I hear the brief moment of silence, and then that notorious click of an automatic dialer answering the line. I know immediately it’s a scam caller and I’m not interested so I hang up. That is Informed consent that I’m not interested in whatever they’re about to say, even though I don’t know what specifically they’re about to say.

    I do the same thing with my some of my family. If my aunt was to call, I’d decline the call outright. I’m not interested in anything she’s going to say. That’s my right.

  • What does 300 students with cellphones do as a lifeline in any event during the school day that would actually warrant it?

    I don’t think any ban is saying that they can’t have the phones in their locker, off, for use after school hours.

    What I do find funny,

    Fifty-eight percent of such parents want their children to have cell phones so they can get in touch with them or learn their whereabouts when needed while 48 percent say cell phones help them coordinate transportation to and from school with their children.

    As if that was not a problem for previous generations that didn’t have cell phones. There are plenty of answers that work that don’t require cellphones. Like I don’t know Talking to your kids. Or at worst, calling the school office and relaying a message to your kids if something significantly deviates from your normal plans.

    And their next line proves the point that half the children with a phone shouldn’t have it.

    Nearly as many say children need mobile devices to communicate about their mental health or other needs.

    No, you don’t need a phone to communicate about your mental health during school hours. Your phone isn’t the correct device to do that. If you have mental health concerns you need to see medical professionals, and if it’s immediate, the school nurse. Not your phone, not your dumb as rocks social media. Your phone is not a device that can help assuage ANY medical/health condition. The fact that the child thinks they NEED the serotonin/dopamine hit of their precious phone in order to mentally cope with anything and adults are perpetuating it that’s just fostering dependence on these devices and makes the whole thing worse.