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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Maybe look up atheism then try correcting your own comment instead of theirs :)

    In all seriousness, I think your definitions are a few centuries out of date. It’s been drifting toward meaning a-gnostic instead of undecided. Contemporarily, it’s used to explain one’s believed level of knowledge on a claim. I can, for instance, be agnostic toward plate tectonics, and be made gnostic of them by evidence.

  • SidheantoComic Strips@lemmy.worldEinstein and God
    2 months ago

    My baseline take is that none of that stuff mattered when God was working. Humanity over-analyzed the fuck out of reality and came up with modern science, and God just never having thought about gravity too deeply? The last panel gave me DM when they realize their party comes up with an actual Peasant Railgun. You say later on that it feels like a lame critique of religion. I think you’re closer to the author’s original intent, but I think I’m funnier /j

  • SidheantoComic Strips@lemmy.world"Disabling Ad-Block" by Nose Ears
    2 months ago

    If the screen had shouted “Buy this shit!” Would it have hit different? I had the same thought. I’ve seen a few sites that advertise their own wares and they are sketchy. I think the issue is that the site is still in charge of how much advertising they show. Usually, they’re showing unrelated ads, but they’re showing a lot of them.

    I dislike ads just as much as the next person, and I’m just curious if I understand you properly.

  • Yeah, you basically nailed it. Trans healthcare for minors , if such a term would need defining would be the reduction of of permanent changes brought on by puberty. Generally, adults who started taking puberty blockers as a kid can either stop taking them later and have a (very likely mostly) normal puberty, or they can start pursuing more permanent changes, like hormone therapy.

    A good chunk of the ‘debate’ is trying to separate normal people into ‘not trans’ and ‘lesser.’ What we want is really just comprehensive healthcare- same rules for everyone.

    To your last point: trans-affirming surgeries have a vastly lower regret rate than most cosmetic surgeries, which is a very good reason to allow trans adults to choose to pursue them. The people passing these laws want a lower class. at no point does “protect trans children” ever come up in earnest.