• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • What do you mean by “I’ll make sure they’ll answer them”? Are you a reporter? But if this is a bug report thread now, here I go:

    I have and one of my friends had the Logitech G502 LIGHTSPEED mouse. It has a problem with it’s mouse wheel.

    I’ve done the debugging a while back, but maybe I can get the logs again. Basically when using it wired it only uses the regular mouse wheel events, but when using it wireless (most of the time) it uses both highres mwheel events and regular ones. Confusing all apps. To add to this, the regular events seems to be simulated by software, based alongside every 5th (? maybe it was a long time ago) highres event. While at seemingly random times a full “click” of the mouse wheel just doesn’t register the required number of highres events, making the “normal” one also absent. I tough this was a hardware issue, as when it happens you can go back and forth and it won’t register it at all, however it doesn’t happen when pugged in.

    This is probably some kernel issue if I’m being honest, all I know is that on Windows it works perfectly. But I am using KDE and I have not debugged this mouse on any other window manager.

    I truly don’t know if this was the type of reply you were looking for, if not: Sorry for wasting your time. (There’s also a KDE bug when editing widgets or when turning the screen off and on, but that’s not input device so)

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoBooks@lemmy.mlLooking for fictional books
    11 days ago

    You can color me surprised. I’m not really into this sort of progression because it’s almost always lazy. But I feel like Skeleton Solder did an above average job. But I do have to admit, that most of the mangas that I like are like this. I have no idea why, I refuse to believe a leveling system is good writing.

    I love you’re comparison to fast food! Fits so well. As I said, for me reading a “normal” book takes energy and effort, I need to learn new words to even understand the scenery. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to extend my vocabulary and I also enjoy it. But it is nice to immerse myself into something for hours easily, and for that I do need myself some fast food from time-to-time. Anyways I just said (in 3 lines) that don’t feel bad for recommending (I enjoyed Mortal Engines as well, but not enough to finish it, and the characters actively annoyed me), I’ll probably want to search for these sooner or later and now I don’t need to find a site.

    Reading your other comment: Oh I feel bad for you already. If Christina’s fall got you idk how you’ll l handle S3’s ending. But I won’t say a word more. Please update me on how heartbroken you are O-or because you knew what was going to happen because almost all of these stories are the same, and you said you’ve read them a bunch.

    Other thing that interests me is, and I know this might be reaching, it’s okay if you wouldn’t want to answer, is how old are you? You said “used to be” does that mean I’ve struck some nostalgia in you?

    Is there space for one more paragraph? Do you use ebook readers? I mean like a device with an eink screen. I’d like to buy one soon but I have no idea what to look for in them.

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoBooks@lemmy.mlLooking for fictional books
    14 days ago

    Well, I’d give a 99% that you’re going to find it cringe, but I made this post about The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon. It had that absolutely amazing character 180° plot twist, and even if everything else is very poorly written, that singular character is awesome.

    The way I actually got into reading is a bit embarassing, only two of my friends know of it. But the watered down version is that after years of everyone around me watching anime I also caved in, tried it, and I very much enjoyed one. Because it was (and still is) unfinished I decided to read the light novels about it and realised how awesome reading is. My familiy nagged me about reading, and I did some back in the day, can’t even remember how old I was (single digit for sure), however school started and I was forced to read some of the worst pieces of word combinations that ever hit my ear, long and boring too. I’m not kidding when I say one of these mandatory reads made me hate women for a while. Thankfully I forgot all of it, like a trauma, all I remember is that it was hell reading that (actually couldn’t even read it, I listened to it.) Anyways, even if it’s cringy and a bit wierd, I’m still happy about it. I get to enjoy this hidden gem of media, and I’m loving it. So I’m searching for new experiences. This post backlogged me for a year at least.

    I’m writing this omw home on a bus, if there are typos; sry :p

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoBooks@lemmy.mlLooking for fictional books
    15 days ago

    I’m really sorry to have put you through that D=

    haha, don’t be :D I’m happy that I met this world. It’s just not that good.

    I don’t have a favorite book. I’m very new to reading books. 21st century childhood got to me as well. But I’m enjoying it so far. Might even me a better form of media than series. While I’m also not native, and for whatever reason I don’t read in my mother tongue, but english. For that reason I struggle with vocabulary. One good thing I can definitely say about Mortal Engines is that the language is simple, I barely had to look stuff up.

    I can tell you manga or smth tho.

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoBooks@lemmy.mlLooking for fictional books
    17 days ago

    Hello, it’s me again. With a book club-like update. Just finished the 2nd book, Predator’s Gold. However I’ll just say it straight on, it was bad. The plot armor driven plot didn’t subside. I remember you saying that you liked the 2nd least, so I guess same. I honestly don’t feel like reading the next two.

    I don’t think I’ll over-analyze this one, but I’ll just say that it was so uninteresting and boring that I’ve put off the last chapters for days, read them one by one. And the big drop at the end, the climax, was, again, complete nonsense. >!Tom survived getting shot point blank in the chest. The stalker 2.0 got autobalanced (tf2 reference) in the middle of killing the MCs. Hester did something so unreasonable that it is in no way justifiable as a tantrum. One of the most feared predator cities just killed themselves. And the drop of Hester being pregnant is irritating, very “book end” of it, but also let’s think about it. For the 2nd half of the book they weren’t even close to each other, except for when They came back from the “prison” and when Tom was dying. So there are two options: Hester had intercourse with a dying(unconscious) guy (peak fiction?), or they tried for baby when they were speeding back to the city, when it was clearly uncomfortable for the both of them. I won’t read back, but IIRC they were both filled with guilt and barely talked. Or did they have fun in the early chapters? In that case, good to know a city can move half a world’s length within a couple of months (before pregnancy is noticeable or a hindrance)! !<

    I’ll think this is the end of my journey with this one, overall it wasn’t bad, I’m just disappointed a bit. And definitely not interested enough to continue. However, if you say that the next two books are good (AKA way better), I can imagine myself reading them and writing up the first two as setup.

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoBooks@lemmy.mlLooking for fictional books
    1 month ago
    1 month ago

    Lol, my last line was a joke. A shot in the dark hoping you might get it. In the game Hollow Knight, there is a character called Hornet. She’s getting a whole game, called Silksong. Anyways, the game only has sounds as voiceacting and Hornet says “Shaw” a lot. (You can try searching “Hornet Shaw” on Youtube if you’re curious, but I warn you of the brainrot, the community is insane)

    I already started with book#2. Was just planning on reading it a bit when I noticed your reply. It’s written way to well for me to just drop it. I’ll (try to) drop by when I’m done.

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoLinux@lemmy.mlEncrypt whole system?
    1 month ago

    No problem, thanks for the help. Also I got news is that I don’t have to trust anyone with my laptop, I can keep it by my side after all. Still it’s a security mesure, that I didn’t solve in time. fun fact: LUKS on /home only breaks KDE. I really don’t want to give up kde tho, I put on sway, realised that I needed to memorise console commands to change my fking volumes, so no thank you. I got spoiled by sweet UIs. it’s so comfortable that everything is at one place.

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoLinux@lemmy.mlEncrypt whole system?
    1 month ago

    cat ~/.config/startkderc returns systemdBoot=true. I’m guessing you made a typo and this is correct. In this case I guess it just doesn’t work on KDE, my next idea is LUKS on /home and hibernating instead of sleeping. Or I always wanted to try a tiling window manager hm

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoLinux@lemmy.mlEncrypt whole system?
    1 month ago

    What I’m getting from this is badblocks isn’t a magical tool that makes all storage devices faster and better anymore. correct? The fact that modern storage devices do that is a bit scary. I’m guessing it’s firmware, no way to turn it off. And why would you, it helps you, just takes control away from you.

    I wasn’t really trying to wipe my storage device, but to make it faster. However you said a bunch of interesting stuff, and I thank you for that.

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoLinux@lemmy.mlEncrypt whole system?
    1 month ago

    Okay I just had a bit of freetime to test it: doesn’t work if I log out or sleep, my home dir is still mounted. Meaning it’s as good as nothing. Looked at the plasma fix, didn’t work. I have a pretty good lead, that I need the topmost template from some wiki:


    Problem is, where in the world should I write this? I really don’t expect you to know, but maybe I’m talking to a genius. The internet didn’t help, or I used it wrong.

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoLinux@lemmy.mlEncrypt whole system?
    1 month ago

    didn’t run a timer, it was still fast enough, but for turning it off and on every 5 minutes (or more realisticly hour) I’d like the fastest possible. I’ll have fun with this badblocks, sounds OP af. However I don’t think it’s a good sign if this returns anything right? I could make it so the filesystem avoids that block, that is good and all, but doesn’t that means my SSD started “turning bad”. So either way I should get a new one? If one cell fails other will soon follow, and my data is lost, no?

  • UnRelatedBurnerOPtoLinux@lemmy.mlEncrypt whole system?
    1 month ago
    1 month ago

    Hehe, Thank you. But by the time I’m reading this I’ve already done it. Got stuck on a couple or roadblocks, but figured it out. I got scared when I didn’t “enable” the service just “start” it. I’m not safe(-ish enough). :D

    edit: well not the plasma fix. wiki said if it’s a problem I need to start something, and that something should be on by default. So I didn’t do anything, maybe that’s a problem