
An Embedded Software Engineer who does game dev as a hobby.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Because the average person doesn’t have any real time to think deeply about politics. They believe whatever big media tells them. Some also can’t understand how evil someone people can get.

    “Surely the basic logic of how things work must be very consistent in order to have such a large and prosperous country like the USA. I don’t understand it. Probably because I’m missing something not because it’s fundamentally flawed”

  • The Republicans should never have gone down this road in the first place.

    I think this is the crutch of our disagreement. My question to you is why? The Republicans want power. They want to turn the US into a Free Market Theocracy. Why shouldn’t they do what they are doing? I personally think what they are doing is bad, but why should they care?

    Getting mad at the Democrats for not being good enough to stop that is akin to victim blaming.

    I am more interested in your response to my first point, but I couldn’t let this stand. It’s such a bad comparison. Both the Dems and Republicans are fighting for power, they are not a victim and an aggressor, they are both aggressors.

    Do you blame the thief, or do you blame the homeowner for not having better locks?

    I blame the police for not arresting the thief when they revealed their plans to rob my house before they robbed it.

  • I don’t think you understand. No reasonable person thinks that republicans are good or not to blame. Blaming the republicans won’t stop them from taking power. They have done and continue to do what they have said they will do and the Democratic party has done nothing to stop them.

    It’s like your sky diving, and your parachute fails to open. Do you get upset at gravity or the guy who packed your parachute? Yeah, gravity is what is going to kill you, but it doesn’t care, that was the plan. The guy who packed the parachute is your only real way of controlling the situation.

    The Democratic Party packed the parachute and it isn’t opening. Hopefully it does soon.

  • deaf_fishtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSeeing a lot of this lately...
    4 months ago
    4 months ago

    Collective Action Problems

    Oh, nice link (not sarcastic), I didn’t realize these issues had a name. Thanks!

    But it doesn’t apply to the hypothetical. The first line is “A collective action problem or social dilemma is a situation in which all individuals would be better off cooperating but fail to do so because of conflicting interests between individuals that discourage joint action. The hypothetical was that the majority of people already agree on a specific candidate. So there are no conflicting interests that matter.

    First off, let’s note that these polls do not currently exist.

    I don’t understand the point of this paragraph. Do you think the current green candidate has a majority interest? If so, then we should start making polls. Conservatives make polls every day like “Bad Black Man Bad?. I am pretty sure this not a difficult task, especially if we have a majority.

    Second, if these polls did exist, their implications would not be immediately apparent.

    Yes, I agree with this. I understand why this isn’t ideal, but humans are messy. Like I said is might be 4 - 8 years before we are able to act on our majority.

    I think “immediately” also points out some emotional energy. I think you are weighing the horrors of the current situation (and they are very bad) and are willing to take extreme risk to stop those horrors. An admirable goal, but taking those extremes risks has consequences and not just for you. The risk you are currently taking is trying to convince as many people as possible to vote in such a way to throw a wrench in the system. This can work if you can get a large enough amount of people, but that is like a 1 - 5 percent chance. That leaves a 95% percent chance that the outcomes will be the worst possible. On top of this, as you have said, you currently have no metrics. So you don’t know how likely you are to succeed. It’s a bad gamble and I haven’t seen any evidence to the contrary.

    And if people saw it that way and did not switch, then the next election cycle, they would say, “see, we were right, it was a statistical anomaly, that question is not a reliable predictor of who would win.

    Ok, so we miss once and stop trying? Why is the left so weak in your mind? Why not just keep trying until we get the candidate that everyone wants elected elected?

    Third, which candidates people like and dislike is influenced by the exposure they have to that candidate.

    Where did this come from? I will assume this is a closing argument and not an answer to my question. As I have stated before. Money is very helpful, but not necessary. You can do things like fundraise. Berne proved that it was possible. And the bigger the majority you have, the more of a source you have.

    Is that enough?

    You linked me to an interesting wiki article that didn’t apply. You wrote a paragraph about how we currently don’t have polls, then claimed victory. You talked about how my idea wouldn’t work right away, then assumed people would just give up. Then you talked about how money was necessary, which was not part of the question.

    So your answer boils down to leftist will just give up even if they have the majority, because organizing is hard and not perfect.

    I will accept this. I asked a question, you answered to the best of your ability. You and I are both tired of this conversation. I am good with ending it here. I will not be replying to this conversation after this.

    I will have to find someone else to convince me that no-voting or 3rd party voting is a good idea, because we are not communicating well.

    I wish you well. No hard feelings, have a nice life.

  • deaf_fishtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSeeing a lot of this lately...
    4 months ago
    4 months ago

    It’s a problem of coordinating a mass switch.

    Ok, so I don’t want to use up my one question, so I will just assume your position is that if we had one fascist leader and everyone else was a leftist who agreed on which candidate they would want to lead them, then the leftists wouldn’t be able to do whatever to figure that out and the one and only fascists leader would stay in charge forever. Got it.

    You really should vote for the lesser evil, because your opinion of the people you agree with is very low. By your own logic, you’re are already screwed.

    Now it’s that polls you just dreamed up that nobody is asking that are supposed to provide the mechanism for coordinating a switch.

    Hey, if you have a general argument for why polling wont work, why didn’t you use that instead of just asserting that it wouldn’t without explaining (rhetorical question does not count)? That is why I am trying to figure out why you think that. The only way I know how to do that is by trying to figure out what wording is causing you issues.

    Before I do: are you confident enough in that attempt that you’re ok with it being your very last one?

    Yes, stop edging me. Any question I ask you, you will probably provide another evasive answer to. Anyone reading this thread will see that plainly. Please add more weight to my arguments.

    I want to hear your response to this: Why would polls worded like “has most favorable opinion of? or “most ideologically aligned with?" not work to detect a consensus of a single leftist candidate and why wouldn’t people then vote for that candidate?

  • deaf_fishtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSeeing a lot of this lately...
    4 months ago

    Polling as in “intends to vote for” or polling as in “has a favorable opinion of?

    We could try “has most favorable opinion of? or “most ideologically aligned with?

    I feel like you are hinting at the possibility of not only a leftist majority but a majority interest in a specific candidate and we would be too dumb to figure that out. Is that your position?

    You’re not going to find some clever solution that allows you to bypass the problem of coordinating a mass switch, that problem is fundamental.

    Hey, ancient wisdom person, you need to be able to explain why the problem is fundamental and not solvable. I don’t see it. And all that ancient wisdom does you no good politically if you can’t impart it.

    This is tiresome.

    I agree, please stop making bad arguments so we can stop this thread or maybe I can learn something.

  • deaf_fishtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSeeing a lot of this lately...
    5 months ago

    So, in your mind, if someone did this favorability poll you want, and it showed, say, 60% favorability for the Green Party, you would vote for them, and you imagine that the majority of Democratic voters would all spontaneous switch their votes over together?

    Not Democratic voters (assuming you mean the party). Just voters.

    If you’re a Democrat and you feel like the Green Party has a candidate polling at a majority that represents your interests more than the Democratic candidate, why would you vote for the Democratic candidate instead? It goes against your interests. I know some Democrats are brain damaged, but I think that is only a small percentage (1 - 3 %).

    This is like saying the majority of the population is leftist and has a chance at a bloodless revolution, but they decide to not take it because of shits and giggles.

  • deaf_fishtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSeeing a lot of this lately...
    5 months ago

    It was a counter to this statement.

    When polls ask people who they intend to vote for, they would tell them that they intend to vote for the Democrats, because they consider the Greens nonviable.

    But I now that I am re-reading it I see that I had misinterpreted it. I thought you were implying that polls only ask questions about voting and not option. This was my bad. Sorry.

  • deaf_fishtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSeeing a lot of this lately...
    5 months ago

    The poll would have to be about a specific candidate. Not voting third party in general.

    Third party in general just means that most people are sick of the two candidates in top. This could mean that we are splitting The 60% between five third-party candidates. This means the Democratic and Republican candidates are still on top?

    Now if 60% of the people were interested in voting for the green candidate specifically. Then I’m very interested and a big funny is about to happen to the Republican or Democratic candidate.