Hot Saucerman


Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.

Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

  • 6 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2020

  • Hot SaucermantoPrivacy@lemmy.mlPlease, do not use Brave.English
    1 year ago
    1 year ago

    making (presumably) thousands of dollars off their users

    I agree with this post completely but for some reason you finishing with this makes me chuckle.

    Oh no! Thousands! They might be able to pay rent for a month or two!

    I’m just being cheeky, and while its true what they did was scummy, it also feels like a really smallish amount of money?

    If we’re literally just talking thousands, and not tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands.

    But yeah, fuck Brave.

    Firefox gang and Hardened Firefox gang here to stay.

    Mozilla’s got its own problems but that’s a story for another day.

  • Hot SaucermantoUnited States | News & Politics@lemmy.mlWill Voters Send In the Clowns?English
    1 year ago
    1 year ago

    Since Obama, the US has crowed about adding jobs, but most of those jobs are bad jobs that nobody wants because they have low pay, high demand, and hurt your body long-term. McDonald’s isn’t a career for most people.

    The cost of living has skyrocketed, unabated, and shrinkflation is everywhere along with inflation.

    I don’t know why we’re all supposed to be so happy that companies have record profits when they don’t deign to share any with the workers who made those profits possible.

    Because every single fucking one of us knows that if Amazon lost every delivery driver in one day, Jeff Bezos would not be able to physically deliver all the packages himself. The value that comes from these companies comes from the workers, not the figureheads skimming all the value creator by labor for themselves.

    Why should we give one fucking shit that these fucking vampires are doing so well at our expense?

    If voters genuinely think that the GOP does better on the economy, then it means the GOP has succeeded in gutting our education system and is relying on voters who either can’t fucking read or don’t give enough of a shit to read, and have no clear memory of the last 30 fucking years.

    Although, in fairness to low-information voters, the Democrats absolutely have a history of crowing about their half-measures as though they’re exactly what voters needed and wanted. That can make some people feel like they’re unserious.

    Well it’s because they are. The parties are not the same. One of them is full of terrorist whack jobs who want to dismantle democracy and the other is full of neoliberal chucklefucks who want to be middle managers for democracy and neither gives one fucking shit about regular ass citizens. That’s the one major thing they have in common.

  • Hot SaucermantoLinux@lemmy.mlMicrosoft causes learned helplessnessEnglish
    1 year ago
    1 year ago

    I think this has less to do with Microsoft and more to do with the average human has no interest in learning something that only passively helps them.

    I only know a handful of things about working on an automobile, while my father could practically take one apart and put it back together wholesale.

    I can take apart a computer and put it back together wholesale, but I’m lost on an internal combustion engine.

    I pay someone with expertise to handle the engine, because I’ve spent my time learning other things.

    Look, unless the people you’re talking about are doing tech jobs, there isn’t a reason for them to learn the depths of it, just like there isn’t a reason for them to learn the depths of how their car works. Both a car and a computer are tools, and those tools are made to be used by people who may not know the depths of the internal workings of either.

    This post feels like elitism and gatekeeping to me, as someone who thinks Windows sucks and prefers Linux. The idea that it’s the OS that is “holding people back” and not that those people might have more important things to do with their time than dedicate half their life to an operating system is absurd. If someone spends 20 years becoming a doctor, I’m not going to act like they’re a dumbass because they don’t know everything about fucking computers.

    People don’t want to learn more because for most people not knowing more doesn’t impact their fucking life. Just like me not knowing more about my car doesn’t generally impact my fucking life. Because I’ve never had trouble finding someone to pay to fix it for me.

    Surprise, we’re the people who are paid to fix computers for the people who are just using them as simple tools. Maybe we shouldn’t be so upset about that.

    Also, last but not least, Android is a strain of Linux and it suffers from all the same issues listed above as Windows. Acting like you couldn’t pull the same bullshit in Linux if you wanted to is kind of a joke, because it’s already been done with Android.

    All the ad infested bullshit we all hate about Windows 10 and 11? Blame Linux-based Android.

    EDIT: Also, personal opinion, if we’re talking about which CLI is easier to learn and use. Microsoft has made great strides with Powershell being easy and accessible to people who haven’t faced a command line environment before. The things that make its command line better than Linux’s are two things, and only two things. (I hate that it’s object oriented instead of text oriented, Powershell has a lot of bad things, too)

    First, human-readable commands whose names describe what the command does in a verb-noun format. This means instead of Linux with some very, very obscurely named commands that are not descriptive and you just have to sort of memorize, you can just sort of remember because the name is human readable.

    Secondly, the get-command command is huge because it allows me to search these verb-noun names for the command I’m looking for. On Linux, if I don’t know the specific command, I have to search the internet, because there isn’t a built-in tool that will give me an idea of what each command does and allows me to search for them through a filter. Once you find a command you think might work, it has the get-help command which produces something similar to a Man page.

    Linux has Man pages, but because there is no rhyme or reason to how any commands are named, it’s not very easy to find the command you’re looking for if you don’t already know the command. On Windows, if I know what the command does I may already have enough information to find the command using get-command instead of having to turn to Google and be like “what command do I use if I am trying to do X?

    So if we’re talking about the superiorly designed command line that’s easier for first time users. Powershell is where it’s at. Because Linux is a confusing fucking mess of 30 years of random decisions by lone programmers. Literally the only reason I know commands in Linux CLI is because I had to memorize them. I don’t do so much memorizing Powershell commands. If Linux was being built from scratch today, I’d practically demand a similar naming convention system to make it easier to understand what the fuck commands do.

  • Most company leaders also believe pay and promotions could become linked to workplace attendance

    Gee, I wonder who makes the decisions about linking those things, and why they might do that? It wouldn’t be to force the issue, now would it?

    No shit you “believe” they’ll become linked because as the “company leader” you’re the one writing the fucking policy linking them. So much talking out their ass like they’re not the ones making this decision.

    Jesus Christ these chucklefucks really want people to break out the guillotines, don’t they? They’re practically begging for it.

  • Hot SaucermantoTechnology@beehaw.orgDisplayPort: A Better Video InterfaceEnglish
    1 year ago

    The short answer is HDMI was mainly developed by a consortium of Stereo and Television manufacturers whereas DisplayPort was firmly always developed as a modern replacement for VGA.

    Somehow, I trust the people in the computer industry to make better and more strict standards than I expect from the audio/visual industry. There’s a lot more advertising fluff from those groups while PC stuff can generally be nailed down by checking benchmarks against each other. How would you even benchmark two different stereo systems? (If I’m wrong and there is a way to benchmark them, cool, please share!)

    Anyway, yeah, HDMI was for “Home Theaters” and pushed by the industry that builds that kind of thing and DisplayPort is for computers, period.

  • Hot SaucermantoPrivacy@lemmy.mlISPs Should Not Police Online Speech—No Matter How Awful It Is.English
    1 year ago
    1 year ago

    but you’re willing to allow ISP’s, like Comcast (the most hated company in the US), to regulate what speech can be used online?

    Where did I advocate for that? This is a small ISP, and I am in no way arguing that what they’re doing is the best solution. What I am arguing is that there is no political movement to create laws to police this, especially not an international political movement, since not all Kiwi Farms users are from the US. I’m saying that the EFF’s argument is that we should expect no one to do anything, and let them keep ruining people’s lives, because our solutions for stopping this mess currently aren’t perfect. It’s one of those “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” situations. I am in no way endorsing what the ISP has done, but I am questioning an argument to argue for laws to handle this when we can’t even seem to get our politicians to do anything, especially when it comes to policing some of the worst of our society. Republicans claim guns aren’t the problem, mental health is, but they also want to take away all the money for support and mental health services, and they refuse to see the connection between the violent vitriol they spew about political opponents and lone-wolf terrorists, like dude, we have an entire political party not operating in good faith and who is happy to let this kind of shit keep happening. The idea that we just have to sit by idly and twiddle our thumbs while they ruin lives because the solutions aren’t great is a fucking farce.

    It really is arguing “We have to let these vicious, fascist abusers to run rampant, because otherwise their fascist political representatives or fascist business owners might use the legalism of fascism to justify them doing it even worse. Like dude, hate to break it to you, at this point, they’re gonna do that whether we fight back or not.

  • Hot SaucermantoPrivacy@lemmy.mlISPs Should Not Police Online Speech—No Matter How Awful It Is.English
    1 year ago
    1 year ago

    This one is a tough nut to crack, because generally I agree, but holy fucking shit we’re talking about Kiwi Farms here.

    There is nothing not one fucking thing that place produces that isn’t a garbage fire of harassment, abuse, and violence.

    Usually the EFF is spot on, but I find their argument in this case pretty weak. While I think there are better ways to handle this as well than straight censorship, like give me a break, EFF, no one is doing anything about these scumfucks. I would give one shit about such an argument if I felt there was anything that would happen to stop this, but I’m pretty fucksure it won’t. If I felt like law enforcement was closing in and as was going to charge everyone involved in the site under some sort of gang-harassment law (which probably doesn’t even exist), then maybe this argument would hold weight. But I don’t feel like that, and I feel like the more people make weak arguments for horrendous places like this, more vulnerable people will continue to suffer Kiwi Farms abuse, harassment, and violence.

    To put it even more simply: When a person uses a room in a house to engage in illegal or just terrible activity, we don’t call on the electric company to cut off the light and heat to the entire house, or the post office to stop delivering mail. We know that this will backfire in the long run. Instead, we go after the bad guys themselves and hold them accountable.

    Who the fuck is actually doing that, EFF?? You’re basically arguing for endless abuse from these fucks because the justice system doesn’t give one fucking shit about what they’re doing because the justice system doesn’t generally give a fuck about vulnerable people.

    That’s what must happen here. The cops and the courts should be working to protect the victims of KF and go after the perpetrators with every legal tool at their disposal. We should be giving them the resources and societal mandate to do so. Solid enforcement of existing laws is something that has been sorely lacking for harassment and abuse online, and it’s one of the reasons people turn to censorship strategies. Finally, we should enact strong data privacy laws that target, among others, the data brokers whose services help enable doxxing.

    1. ACAB, the cops are corrupt and you can’t trust them.
    2. The courts are corrupt and you can’t trust them.
    3. We’re living in a hell-hole of a gerontocracy where government can’t pass a fucking bill to end Daylight Savings time, and you expect them to do something about policing this when we can’t even get cops to do their fucking jobs without murdering innocent citizens in the process? Get the fuck out of here, EFF, you’re a joke now.

  • This guy gets it. Chiropractors are a scam, but scammers are drawn to people who “fall through the cracks” because they’re treated like their problems don’t actually exist. Finally, they meet someone who takes their pain seriously. It’s too bad the person who takes it “seriously” is a fucking charlatan.

    It falls harder on women, who have more instances of pain that are ignored by the medical community, partially from the history mentioned above, claiming women must be experiencing “hysteria.

    It absolutely happens because of the failings of the medical community.

  • Hot SaucermantoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat is your opinion on men that make use of sex worker services?English
    1 year ago
    1 year ago

    I want to live in a world where no one feels they are struggling so much that they need to turn to selling their body for sex.

    However, I don’t live in that world, so in the meantime I support sex workers, because sex work is work.

    The men who use their services? That’s a tougher nut to crack.

    My partners brother is heavily mentally disabled and pushing 40, he’s still very much like a child, but obviously does not have a child’s libido. This man has never had an intimate interaction with a woman. He might never get the chance, he struggles to talk to women, even women who have similar issues as himself. I think sex workers could be beneficial for him, in the right context, for giving him intimacy he may otherwise never experience. I don’t think he would ever think/know to pursue a sex worker, but I could be wrong. There’s also the issue of his emotions began to be involved, which leads me to

    I’d be more worried about him finding OnlyFans and blowing through all his disability money each month instead of realizing he’s not actually getting much out of such a “relationship. He’s the kind of person who a parasocial relationship like that could really damage their already troubling mental health. The same thing could happen with a prostitute, but they are less likely to hang the relationships on fake social cues that say they care about you. He’s not quite advanced enough to understand that these women are being paid to pretend to care, I don’t think.

    Also, there’s other types of men who use these services I’m sure aren’t a net positive. There are plenty of conservative men who already view a standard relationship as a sexual transaction (I take care of girl = she give me sex), so they’re not far from viewing everything women with transactional already. Secondly, not only do the already view it as transactional, many of these conservative men turn to prostitutes because average women simply don’t want to date them because of their horrible, outdated views on women’s bodily autonomy. They are already angsty and moody because of women not wanting to date them, and they often are willing to take out their frustrations on the woman they paid to serve them. I see these men as not respecting and hurting the women they turn to for sex work.

    Anyway, just some quick thoughts on the subject.