• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024

  • IDK. They will certainly be fine here, on earth. Even if everything else goes to shit, they will continue living in luxury.

    On a spaceship / station / Mars colony though? As much as I love sci-fi, living there will be ROUGH, regardless of how rich you are.

    I think it’s more an ego thing: “I want to go down in history as the first human on another planet, lest I be forgotten” combined with an unhealthy dose of not giving a fuck about other people, which is kinda a prerequisite to being a billionaire in the first place.

  • I put about 150 hours into NixOS before I was really “done” setting everything up. (Of course, it was completely usable way before that.)

    The biggest advantage to me is that that was the last time I will have set anything up. If my laptop or PC or both get thrown into an incinerator tomorrow, I will go buy replacement hardware and will have my exact same setup done in less than 10 minutes.

    I used to have serious anxiety about losing my setup with Arch - over the years a lot of config amasses, and sure you can back up your dotfiles, but you better do that after every change, and don’t forget to manually track your changes to /etc, /usr, and so on.

    Right now, I am enjoying the most seamless development setup I’ve ever had. That being said, you will have a BAD time unless you embrace nix shells for development (at which point the pip/venv stuff becomes easy, too)

    You are right, it’s a steep learning curve and you will have to invest some time initially, but it frees you up in the long run

  • smiletolerantlytoLinux@lemmy.mlPrinting on Linux
    13 days ago

    I did have a weird issue with my printer under nix, turns out it was a bug. I guess 1h time investment is about right.

    But that also meant that my Laptop and my GF’s PC were a 0 seconds time investment.

    I think that’s neat :D

  • The app is genuinely better in many ways. It at least allows you to set two thresholds for low/high each, and it does repeat them after a while. At least as far as I remember, it is also better with the “jittering re-triggers alarms” thing. Back when I was using it, you could not mute alarms in advance, but apparently that does work now for up to 6 hours, good on them. BUt this is my rant, so I am ignoring that :D There’s still “nice to have” features missing, for example “if you are trending up, don’t repeat a low glucose warning” and vice versa, but my initial impression was that this might actually work. (The Libre 3 had gotten so bad that I had disabled all alarms permanently for multiple months, so when the G7 came out I immediately switched, but at that point xdrip+ did not support it yet.)

    Except - you cannot disable the “very low” alarm, and you can set its threshold no lower than 55 mg/dl. Big deal, I mean, it’s important to be warned, right? Except in many situations, I know more than the app. Imagine this: You are woken at night by your low glucose alarm, and are trending down. These sensors lag by about 15 minutes compared to blood measurements, so even if you drink some juice right now, and KNOW that that will be enough, the “very low” alarm will DEFINITELY still go off. You know, eventually. Maybe in 15 minutes, maybe in 20 or 25. But you will be woken again, and all you can do is try to stay awake until then, or turn your phone off completely (why not just mute the app, you ask? Well, I answer, because the Dexcom G7 app will STOP SHOWING YOU YOUR GLUCOSE LEVELS if you do that, warning you instead that you must let it warn you. It’s great! /s). Of course, turning your phone off means you won’t get any more alarms until you switch it back on in the morning.

    Before I end this rant, I need to mention a couple more things. The first is how patronizing Dexcom is towards its customers. Not being able to disable an alarm is one example, but my “favorite” example is this: I had been using their app for a while, and went on holidays abroad. During that trip, my sensor expired (I knew in advance and brought spares). Imagine by AMAZEMENT when I discovered that the app would not let me start a new sensor because my GPS location was not IN MY COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE.

    Luckily at this point I discovered that xdrip+ had just released experimental support for the G7, and switched immediately and without problems.

    In a similar vein, the app is actually only supported on a handful of devices from the biggest phone companies. There’s a community project from at least the days of the G5 which removes this restriction, and the app does actually run perfectly on basically any phone, you just aren’t allowed to, I guess.

    Let’s close this with a look at the hardware. Where Dexcom is moderately ahead of Freestyle in terms of software, they severely lack behind it in hardware. And I get it, this can be hard. They measure every 4 minutes (which is more than enough IMO), and the sensor is a good bit chunkier, yet it only lasts 10 days. Also their adhesive sucks. To this day, you need to put on the giant bandage-patch-thing they include in the box, and even then it’s easy to rip off. They’ve gone through at least 4 adhesive variations, and all of them suck in different ways. But again, I think this is forgivable; the Freestyle Libre 3 is a miracle in terms of hardware, so whatever.

    What is NOT forgivable however is making your big-ass, shittily-sticking-to-skin sensor RUBBERIZED and have SHARP, DOWNWARDS POINTING OVERHANGS THAT WILL SNATCH ON EVERY PIECE OF FABRIC IT CAN GET ITS HANDS ON AND RIP OFF IMMEDIATELY.

    Why?? Why do this, Dexcom? Why did no one go “actually, only the should-stick-to-skin side of the should-not-stick-to-anything-else thing should be sticky”???

    OK, right. But as long as they send spares and make RMAs easy, it should not matter that - WRONG. THEY DON’T. Worse, actually, but for this I have to circle back to the Freestyle.

    I mentioned earlier that I had never had a defective unit, and that is true. But once (once) in two years I accidentally ripped one from my arm. I was low on sensors at the time, so I called them. The call went through immediately, and the guy on the end was super apologetic, even though I was also super apologetic for ripping it off and being late with renewing my subscription, hence being low on sensors. He immediately told me they’d be sending two replacements, just in case, free of charge. They arrived the next day. (Actually, they always sent at least two spares with the quarterly delivery, too.)

    Back to Dexcom. As mentioned, I started using it very shortly after the G7 came to market. That was a mistake. For the first NINE MONTHS, SIXTY PERCENT OF SENSORS I GOT FROM THEM WERE DEFECTIVE, with 80% of those being dead on arrival, and NOT including sensors that ripped off due to shit adhesive.

    I have a day in my log from May 2022 where I put 5 sensors on in a row (they do prick pretty badly, btw), waiting for the warmup period to end for each of them just to read “Sensor defective”. The 6th one finally worked. By this time I had given up on putting the extra adhesive sticker on, since rubbing them off is also a pain because they shred instead of coming off in one piece. So of course, it snagged on my shirt and ripped off within an hour. I cried that day, and I will not apologize for it.

    “Hold on, your log? Why do you have that? I hear the attentive reader asking. Well, let me tell you. Dexcom G7 sensors last 10 days, and the year lasts 365 days. Every 90 days you get your quarterly delivery of 9 sensors, except for Q4, where it’s 10. There are NO spares. When you want to RMA a defective sensor, you have to

    • find their pretty hidden support page online
    • fill out a questionnaire for every single sensor, including three separate sensor ID numbers (which are either on the sensor applicator or its box, not both, so better keep both), all of your personal info EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY AM LOGGED IN AND YOU HAVE ALL MY INFO DEXCOM, rather leading questions speaking to exactly what YOU were doing wrong when the sensor failed, as well as the date you applied the sensor on and the date it failed.
    • a couple of days later you will get a phone call (better hope you hear your phone ringing, they won’t be calling again, and calling them is a two-hour wait!), and a tired service rep will go through ALL of that info you spent half an hour inputting AGAIN. Then, they will calculate how many days were left on each sensor, sum all of them up, then divide by 10 days and send you not a single sensor more than required. 60% of those would inevitably fail again, and the cycle would begin anew. (Also, the first rep I ever had on the phone scolded me and told me too many RMAs would put me on their watchlist. Fuck you, Dexcom.)

    Oh god this has gotten out of hand, I’m sorry to whoever read all of that.


    • Fuck whoever is in charge of Freestyle’s software team, fuck ALL of Dexcom, but especially the product designer who I’m sure will LOVE my idea for a rubberized dildo with snaggy edges.
    • Use open source software with medical devices.
    • Please mommy EU whip medical companies into compliance.